Can two sep. ultrasounds bequeath diff.measurements of an organ?

An ultrasound was done dicovering a cyst (in one of the ovary), another be done three months later and here is no cyst but the measurements of the ovaries from the first and the second report are different , they don't match. The ultrasounds be done by two sep facilities. Is this ok?

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Ultrasounds are not dependable tests, especially measure things like ovaries. It is dependent upon the plane surrounded by which the image be frozen for measurements. Imagine slicing a lime from one end to the other making lots of round slices. The slices hold different measurements even though they are from the same lime. The same is true for an ultrasound. If a technician stops the picture to consider in a different slice than another technician, the measurements will diverge.
As long as there are no full-size cysts and the measurements from the ultrasounds are in the ordinary range, the difference from one ultrasound to the subsequent does not matter at adjectives.

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The ovary could hold changed in size due to the cyst rupturing however, you should discuss this near your doctor.

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