I want mt length to end like greased lightning what should i do?

ok dont start about at msut pause naturaly, no i want it to end speedily like usauly it stayz 4 a week and immediately im on my 4thday and i want it to end it 2 dayz, beside th billz what should i use or do? approaching drink something or what will help?? pllllz back m!

Birth Control Nausea?

that is a unpromising idea to mess next to nature. in attendance are reasons for the week long inconvenience.

"Bloody Hell!!" [add an English elocution of course] - about the pill.?

you can't mess next to something natural. sorry.

What could this bump be?

Its a inbred cycle...chill out and let it flow...

Why don't growth hormones and antibiotics affect cow's milk, but drugs affect mother's breast milk feed?

There isn't anything you can do about it in a minute... but you could try 'the pill' or other type of birth control. They usually make your period shorter and lighter.


you cannot do anything about it. it is hormonal. lucky for you, you own yur periods, some women do not hold at all or single once a
year, so their ovulation is quite difficult. their skin is a slim chance to hold a baby. suggest pal.

Burning sensation, what is it? please assistance!?

Ashely i like your moniker, you can check your doctor may be something wrong but if you stop it with yourself am sure after you will be the loser. so check your Doctor please.

How big is the mutilation from a myomectomy fibroid surgery?

The only article I can say in the region of this is a birth control pill, or other methods can decrease down your period. I would specifically schedule an appointment to the gynocologist. He/She would be capable of tell you which medicine could help you the most.

What is the best day after day vitamin?

There are medications that impart you full control over when you have youre period. I think one allows you to hold a period similar to only every 3 or 6 months or even for longer.

Basicly, beside birth control pills, they have 1 week of placebo which allows you to own your period. They hold studied it and found that you could safely verbs with the pills (skipping the placebo) and verbs with the actual bc pills, thus you will not enjoy your period.

Ask your doctor... they will be capable of fill you more within on this study.

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