Morning After Pill?

I've read about this pill and I freshly wanted to know does it hurt? The side effects are in attendance as noted but what are those chances of experiencing nausea and abdominal pains and such?

Question for women individual. . .?

The hormones in the pill do several things to your body to prevent pregnancy. They inhibit ovulation, significance no egg is released. They thicken the cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to get into the uterus. And they trade name the lining of the uterus inhospitable to a fertilized egg. Because they are a larger dose of hormones, some women do own a reaction to the pills, such as nausea. And they will explanation you to have a term after you take them, so in that might be some cramping and other discomfort associated with that.


A honourable friend of mine took them because she had unprotected sex. They made her throw up adjectives day afterwards. Most doctors and clinics will spawn women take a pregnancy question paper before they prescribe them to her. They don't want women who already know they're pregnant to clutch them to cause abortion. Also, I believe that you can single use those within 48 or 72 hours after have unprotected sex.

Ovary pain?

I guess it depends if your pregnant when you took it. There shouldn't be any of those symtoms if you whip it within 3 days approaching your suppost to. It is just resembling taking 2 birth control pills at once. Basically if you did get pregnant it won't allow the the fetus to attach. Of course nearby are other unpleasant side effects that can kill you, resembling stroke. I didn't have the nausea or abdominal pains. I have the mini stroke.

How do you get smaller breasts?

No it does not hurt it is only just a pill and makes sure the egg isn't fertalized

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