Unfortunately, I don't think anyone will know how to answer this :(?

I had a yeast infection that I not here untreated bc the test cacme stern negative. Then following on when I got tested again because the white, irrititating discharge wouldn't budge away and I was itching and burning it come back positive near only a few buds. I used 7 year Monistat but it's been almost 2 years and this discharge is still here. All test and cultures keep coming stern negative for everything including BV, STD's, trich, and yeast. I am at my wit's wind up and I keep shelling out money to the best institutes for them to convey me the SAME thing which is everything is coming bacck glum and normal and they freshly don't know. Are there any OB/GYN's out in attendance that have any suggestions?

Women, how outdated were you when you?

I've never have this problem, but when I was doing research on how to cure my allergies & candida, I scholarly about this super colon cleanse that cleans your insides so capably, you'll be cured of candida which causes several skin problems, including yeast infections. Anything going on on the surface of your body is a sign that something is wrong on the inside of your body, so it's important to hold clean insides in sequence to have verbs outsides. I suggest you check out this site & look into doing this Colonix. I have reliance that when you do (read the testimonials & look at pictures) you will be rid of this problem! http://www.drnatura.com/

Why do boys like to interfere in girls issue.don`t u think girls?

for yeast infections i can only just tell you to consume ALOT of yogurt as much as possible

Implanon users!?

I know it's going to nouns crazy.....

Grandma's home remedy:

Plain old yogurt.. the cheap stuff no favor at all
equal parts hydrogen peroxide/ reheat water and yogurt... surrounded by the douche bag.

Snoring problem?

Just so you know, you're supposed to guzzle the yogurt.

Serious answers only please breasts?

do you use intime cosmetics or aromatic cream ? If you have TOO MUCH intime hygiena, you may enjoy yeast !

Upset stomach while on period-how to feel better?

Question? How out-of-date are you, and have you have any children? Is the burning and itching always present, or does that run away while the discharge remains? I am 43 and I have have children. I have a pretty constant discharge. It is more of a fluid discharge than what I am use to next to a yeast infection. It increases when I ovulate. I have to use a wad all the time! When I asked my doctor just about it, she told me that they are unable to explain this discharge. I enjoy been tested as resourcefully, and I do not have any infections, but I still enjoy this discharge. Doc said some woman get this and some don't, but that it is zilch for me to worry in the order of. In order to preserve myself clean and minimize discomfort. I hang on to huggies wipes on paw to cleanse with within between showers. I use the Aloe and vitamin e type, or the green tea with cucumber. I am not sexually alive at the moment, so I don't know if this discharge will cause me problems contained by that area or not, but I would suggest trying some lubricants and cleanse economically after intercourse.

Is it ok for a woman in her first trimester to go to a fastener shop?

i dont think you hold a yeast infection...you might just hold excess discharge...try a vinegar douche

What all welness checkups / regular doctor's visit should a women in her 20s enjoy each year?

Have a look on the internet for anti-candida diets- candida simply is an overgrowth of the candida yeast and by cutting out mixed things and including various things in your diet you can mute it. I've read around about it, and I hang on to reading that tests continually come subsidise negative and no result in can be found for the symptoms.

I assume you know about not wearing jeans or tights or anything synthetic (who desires to wear synthetic fabric anyway!), wearing cotton pant and loose trousers, not using smelly stuff in the bath (having no baths at adjectives is better), not using any kind of soap etc to rinse down below etc etc.

Something else is, have you considered allergies? You vote about sex individual uncomfortable- you could be allergic to latex, which if you are using condoms may explain things?

Pink Spotting and Cramping, no period?

My innate remedies book suggests the following:

(It is called Leucorrhoea)
Orally: Take echinacea tablets, vitamin C and garlic.


Douche: Apple cider vinegar diluted OR

Douche: Calendual and Comfrey or Calendula and Golden Seal near 3 drops of Sandalwood or Tea tree oil.

It say you can also purchase tea tree oil suppositories (probably from form food store)

All the best. Hope and pray it goes away for you. :)

Questions just about birth control?

Have you ever been checked for harder to treat strains of yeast such as Candida Glabarata and Tropicalis Glabarata?

I would recommend individual checked for Diabetes if you haven't already.

Also, when was the later time you were checked for BV?

Kristy :)

Cramps surrounded by the pelvic area? Kinda intuition like the consciousness u have when u hold ur urine too long?

Ask your doctor for a scrip for 'diflucan'. It cures stubborn yeast infections when the other stuff doesn't work. It's a pill, you pilfer it once & boom...24 hours later you're much enhanced & bang...it's totally gone by the 3rd year.

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