Pink Spotting and Cramping, no time of year?

I had sex roughly one week ago (twice without a condom). I am 24 years weak btw. I was on birth control for one and only a month and when the sugar pills came time to nick, I still had no time of year. So during the time I was taking the sugar pills, I have the two times of sex. It's been 2 weeks immediately that my period hasn't started and in a minute I have cramping and restrained pink spotting with a clear, restricted discharge. I took a pg test and it be negative, but it's probably too impulsive to tell contained by the pg test. My breasts discern fine, I am not too tired, and no morning sickness? What's up here?

I'm 15 years of age and I am having irregular period, is something wrong with me?

Hey in that.I used to be on BC pills also before I get my tubes tied and sometimes they can cause your period to do strange and weird things.For example I would completely dance a month without have one then the subsequent month I'd feel resembling I was almost to bleed to death.I honestly believe it's purely your BC pills making you have this "weird" spotting pink item going on.I would be more apt to say U may be pregnant if your breats be sore,you were tired or U have any morning sickness,but without any of those symptoms I would voice no.Just keep your lead up and if it acts abnormal next month OR you catch any of those symptoms I would go to the doctor.Good Luck and I hope my guidance helped!!

Bladder infection short pain peeing?

My guess go that your eaither just slow which is mormal or you pregant

Please i have prom saturday i have need of help and answers?

are you trying to bring back pregnant? if so then maintain trying because your period is gonna come around. No your not pregnant.

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you more than possible won't be getting any symptoms yet if you are pregnant. birth control is remarkably likely to crinkle your period at first, and this may even be your length for now. surrounded by a few weeks you may get a terribly heavy, 2-week long interval. it's normal.

but if you start getting indisputable symptoms in in the region of a week or so with still no time of year, i would take another pregnancy tryout.


Sounds like you are equipped to start your period...
If you don't start inwardly the next couple weeks capture another test & nick it.They are always that possiblty.
Take strictness.

Someone please help me beside this..?

you really could be pregnant but the p.test for sure would not fence in it this soon. the spotting could be implantation bleeding and you will start to feel really tired if you are really prego. i have a bit of bleeding and then i took a theory test a week later and it be positive.

My menstral cramps are unbearible! I faint and am surrounded by PAIN! HELP?

I could be simply a missed period. That isn't unheard of. I enjoy a 16 month old right in a minute but before him, I be on the pill for 7 years. I had like thing appear a couple times. Those times were usually times of great stress. I would dally and take another interview in something like 2 weeks just to brand name sure. I would also suggest taking the test beside your first urination of the day. The pregnancy hormone is strongest afterwards. If the next month comes and no interval has arrived, I would build an appointment with your OB/GYN to spawn sure nothing is wrong.

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