Itchy down their?

Inside me...down there, i carry itchy. Or it feelings close to a sharp pain. Why is this? is this because i use tampons and masturbate? I never have sex so i don't think its an std, except when i be raped at a very infantile age. And even then i wasn't fully penetrated and my raper was a virgin. Is this ordinary? Does everyone get itchy inside their vagina or should i capture it checked out?

need a present for my better half. How do you rate the RRabbit?

In a word, "doushe".

Personal grill?

maybe you have a yeast infection.. Need to see a doc.

For nursing moms.?

Probably a yeast infection you should go and get it checked out.

Could it bepr?

See a gynecologist. Could be anything from a yeast infection to something serious like toxic shock

Does vigel work??

You probably hold an infection. You probably need to hope a doctor's advice.

small boobies?

definitely sounds resembling a yeast infection. Try one of those one dose things - Monistat, etc. They work pretty well.

Lets basically say that i used a tampon when i wasent on my length?

If your itchiness is just completely occasional, I wouldn't worry going on for it. If it's persistent you may want to budge to the GYN to make sure you don't hold a yeast infection.

i am 49 years old, and respectively and every day my body smiles approaching milk. what could possibly be wrong.?

Probably yeast infection. Go to the dr. asap and they will be able to prescribe something to construct it all travel away! :)

Hysterectomyif she has a total (complete) hysterectomy does it suggest she will have no more period?

possibly a yeast infection

theres otc stuff you can get resembling monistat

good luck

I haven't be getting my period?

It's probably a yeast infection or some other urinary disorder.Go to the doctor.It can be from a number of things,but masturbation alone won't hurt.Though,if your fingers be really dirty,that may have be the cause.

Can you buy birth control over the counter?

See a doctor. It could be a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection. Good luck.

Sex Ideas?

It sounds resembling a yeast infection... I need to see a doctor especially if you hold pain. It could head to serious problems if its not shouldn't hurt or itch or anything especially if you have never have sex. good luck

What did the Dr. voice after you told them that you has two menses within one month?

it's "there" (not their) and yes, get it checked out. It could be a quantity of things, but you shouldn't itch for no reason.

Take support of you.

Telling momtampon?

Depends on which 'down there'
If it's your vagina it could be yeast infection or thrush.
in recent times visit the doctor and you'll find out.

Anybody know anything about quill removal technique through laser? is it painful?

It could be a yeast infection, but I also read roughly someone who was allergic to the sanitary protections she be using.
Change the brand you are using and see if it helps.

What are the likelihood of getting pregnant on the depo shot?

yeast infection.
thread a clove of garlic with a string. stick it up here just close to a tampon. keep inside for 24 hours and verbs the string to take out. if your still itchy or own any pain. phone up a doc

GIRLS ONLY _____HELP pppllleeeaassssee?

You could have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Go to the doctor, do not try to douche or anything approaching that. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ and does not require special care. If you do enjoy an infection it is probably not because of poor care, lately think nobody get a cold because they don't clean their antenna enough. You should definately see a gynecologist.

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