Has anybody tried Metformin to treat infertility caused by PCOS?

Do you guys know the success rate? Does it also work contained by thin woman or is within no need to steal it if you are not obese?

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Metformin works on adjectives body types. The outrageous hormone levels are cause from the pcos, and insulin is one of them. Meformin just help to maintain your insulin level. It really doesn't help near infertility, although, my doctor says it's supposed to, But, I hold read some negative stuff more or less metformin, and I was also told I would enjoy a menstral cycle after two weeks of taking it, I have very soon been on it for a year, and haven't have a period contained by two years. Just do as much research, hear are some websites that might help you next to your search.

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i don't hold PCOS, but my doctor has me on metformin and she said that it will breed me very fertile.

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