How do I slow down or controll my VERY heavy periods?

I have other had a problem beside heavy period. Infact, I was once put on birth controll so they wouldn't be pretty so heavy. I can't do that in a minute, though because hubby and I sort of TTC. I'm miserable, though. I know this is TMI but, for the first few days of my period it is VERY bulky. For example, I will wear a pad(Stayfree ultra thin overnight) and tampon(OB Heavy Days- a step above super plus) both for protection but, I usually have to variation the tampon every couple hours because of major escape. I get apprehensive at night because I enjoy had "accidents" since due to "leakage". Of course, I've learned to controll that presently somewhat by, getting up every so often to swing hygenic products. This sucks, though because it means waayyy smaller quantity sleep. :( I just preference I could figure out a method to controll my heavy period because I am so miserable and bloated feeling because of this. HELP!

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Hi I hold the same problem as you and the agony is so bad I valid can not take it. I own this med that is great I am also 26 so please ask your doctor in the region of it. It is called Tranexmic bitter. You only own to take it powerfully you are on your period and it help slow the bleeding. Hope that helps you.

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Go to your Gyn and ask for other methods of birth controll there is such entry as a Mirena IUD I have one myself and I don't acquire a period but every 3 mos and its not discouraging.

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Ok, my suggestion is to read the books by Dr. Lee. He know alot about the subject of menistration and have studied it for most of his life. He have several books out there and you can hunt the net. (sorry cant recal his first name)

Also you do not state your age. If you are over 30, you can catch on a Natural Progesterone Cream that you rub on your skin ( one or twice a day) Make sure you buy one that has USP on the sticky label and read that it is Natural and Pure. It will help next to your periods and excess bleeding. Dr. Lee in his books tell you how and why. I am older and I still use the cream.
Also settle to proffessionals like a Herbalist, Naturalist, or someone at your local vigour food store. They carry masses products that are natural and work.

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Have you ever be checked for fibroids? I have them and my period get really starchy too. I'm supposed to have them removed if my period don't slow down. Go see your doctor and have an internal check. She should know how to tell you if she feel something lumpy. Have it checked before getting pregnant because if it is fibroids, that could mar the baby's growth.

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Well it's knotty to find anything that can control it other than birth control. If you tell to your gyno I'm sure they can prescribe some sort of hormone minimizer or something to take perfectionism or it. They know all the right stuff.


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I had a unbelievably heavy flow and i found that when i exersiced the cramps be less and my flow washed-out up. Perhaps this may work for you. start a rountine for and hour three times a week. that worked wonders for me.

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