Want to have baby but have trash infection?

im 18 years of age and im 1year 3mth married and want to have a babe-in-arms but i have trash infection do u expect its the infection that making me not fall pregnant wat must i do wat can i do to own a baby and how do i stop this virginal infection its call trash i went to doctor lots of times they utter i must drink water but i drink 3liters of hose every day but dont waant to lend a hand

please help me

One group of Women and adjectives the same cycle?

Do you niggardly a yeast infection? I've never heard of a trash infection.
If it's yeast, use one of the over the counter creams, and consequently avoid getting another one by eating yogurt (make sure it specifies that it have live cultures)
If you don't mean yeast...all right, I have no thought.
Sorry if that was no serve.
Oh, and yeast infections won't stop a pregnancy.

And if it's a Urinary tract infection- to prevent another- drink the good ol cranberry liquid. =)

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I have no impression what a trash infection is, but it sounds like you call for antibiotics for it, because water alone doesn't cure an infection. I would try another doctor...

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try wash your kooch

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Thrush, I think, not "trash". And it's "vaginal", not virginal. If you're virginal, that would absolutely explain why you're not getting pregnant. If you have a thrush infection, it will not respond to antibiotics, because it is a fungus, not a bacterial infection. In reality, antibiotics can make it worse. But nearby are effective treatments, and drinking river isn't one of them. You should see a new doctor. If what you hold is a urinary TRACT infection, then antibiotics and drinking lots of fluid could be adjectives. Neither of these things should interfere with your handiness to get pregnant.


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never hear of a trash infection. maybe see a different doctor.

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I think that you necessitate to change doctors, try a psychiatrist.

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Do you show a TRACT infection? I don't think in attendance is a 'trash' infection. A tract infection is a Urinary Tract Infection, and if drinking water isn't clearing it up, you'll requirement antibiotics. You can get pregnant anytime. Stressing on it is not going to assist. But you should definitely gain your infection cleared up first.

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Just hold on to trying. Don't stress about it so much, you never will if you stress out.

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If you can't drink 3 liters of hose down a day surrounded by order to save yourself healthy, you might want to re-evaluate your power to care for a completely incapable and adjectives infant. 18 years old is still markedly young. As for a trash infection? I'm not sure what to be precise. Do you mean thrush?

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a virginal trash infection?? honey I think you stipulation to clean out your ears and ask the Dr what he really said.

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I don't know what to say...I've never hear of an infection called trash. Why don't you research it on-line? You've be married over a year and you're 18? I would suggest giving it some time before trying for a newborn, but if that's really what you want then I would incline your concerns to a professional.

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I meditate you mean, tract infection.. and the infection usually doesn't ending very long. As far as getting pregnant, I don't deliberate it would cause you not to conceive. Here is a site that help me get pregnant. www.sensiblehealth.com

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I believe you tight "thrush" not trash, although it may feel resembling it. The first thing you own to do is to treat the infection, then verbs about getting pregnant. It is essential to be as able-bodied as possible before starting on a child. Below is the treatment for thrush:
Locally applied creams, pessaries, lozenges or gels, depending on the site artificial. The most widely used are the imidazoles although there are other adjectives preparations. If in doubt consult next to your doctor or pharmacist.
Systemically administered preparations, such as capsules or tablets. These are costly, but really effective, and usually single require a single dose.
Your doctor should be advising you on these matter.

Andropatch 2.5?

Are you talking roughly speaking a thrush infection? You need to enjoy antibiotics or antifungal medicatioon to clear that up. And by the way, it's a vaginal infection and not a virginal infection.

If no men around = no menstruation for the women ?

yeah, I assume you expect thrush too.

Thrush is an infection caused by a yeast call Candida. Small numbers of Candida commonly live on the skin and around the vaginal area. These are usually safe. The immune system and the harmless microbes that normally live on the skin and in the vagina usually stop Candida from thriving. However, when conditions are dutiful for Candida, it multiplies and may invade the vagina and cause symptoms.

The conditions Candida like best are warm, moist, airless parts of the body. This is why the vagina is the most adjectives site for Candida infection.

Thrush is the second most common grounds of a vaginal discharge. (The most common lead to of vaginal discharge is bacterial vaginosis.) The discharge is usually creamy white, but is sometimes watery. It can explanation itch, redness, discomfort, or torment around the outside of the vagina. Sometimes symptoms are minor and clear up on their own. Often symptoms can be quite irritating and will not progress without treatment.

Thrush does not disfavour the vagina, and it does not spread to damage the uterus (womb). If you are pregnant it will not impair your baby.

Topical treatments
There are a variety of pessaries and creams which you insert into the vagina with an applicator. They contain anti-yeast medicine such as clotrimazole, econazole, fenticonazole, or miconazole. Commonly, a single large dose inserted into the vagina is sufficient to clear a bout of thrush. However, you may also want to rub some anti-yeast cream onto the skin around the vagina for a few days, especially if it is itchy. You can catch topical treatments on prescription, or you can buy them at pharmacies. Side-effects are uncommon, but read the product sticky label for full information.

Two options are available. Fluconazole, which is taken as a single dose, or itraconazole which is taken as two doses over the course of sooner or later. You can get these treatments on prescription, and you can also buy fluconazole from pharmacies lacking a prescription. Side-effects are uncommon, but other read the product label for full information. Do not give somebody a lift these if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. You may also want to rub some anti-yeast cream onto the skin around the vagina for a few days, especially if it is itchy.

Tablets and topical treatments are equally effective. Tablets are more convenient, but are more expensive than topical treatments.

And wow you be married at 17?? You are safe to own a baby even near thrush, just not apposite for your hubby

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