
i have these little bumps on my womenly nouns. and its on the inside. (trying not to get flaged!) and i dont know what to do. i did try to use my moms vibrator when i be like 12.. but idk. she doesnt own anything. and i do orgasm. im scared to report to my mom. what do i do?

Having trouble with tampons (girls only)?

You used your mom's vibrator when you be 12. How long ago was that? Are the little bumps red, white, prickly, itchy? Are you having any benign of unusual discharge? The bumps could be caused from shaving. Pimples on the labia are adjectives and can be caused by hormones. The inside of the vagina does hold a corrugated surface (not smooth). These folds, ridges, and bumps, known as vaginal rugae, are more prominent during a woman's reproductive years, which allows the vaginal conduit to expand, making the vaginal lining smaller quantity likely to slash during childbirth as well as during sex. You can't second guess these things, though. Tell your mom that you're irritated in that nouns and think you may own a heat unthinking or something and to make a doctor's appointment for you. Don't be worried. We women have to sit out a lot because of the channel we're made. She should understand.

GIRLS ONLY! (please answer)?

it could be ingrown hair if you shave. It could be razor burn if you just now shaved it.

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You may be infected. Using someone else's vibrator is pretty serious, especially if you didn't wash it or verbs it properly.

You definitely obligation to see a doctor and get examined in your "womanly" nouns. You should probably let your mom know as in good health, because she may get infected as all right.

Best of luck, and don't do that again.

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I laughed when I saw womely nouns.. sorry.. the phrase made me little better.( bad morning today) anyways.. I would talk to your mother and say aloud "mom I need a doctors appointment" if she asks simply say I do.. because it could be an infection.. STI or STD anything I am not a doctor but yeah if you can touch doctors go next.. if you can't talk to your mom.. cooperate to an trusting adult. and don't use other peoples vibrators.. can spread things..

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well It depends if your moms vibrator was verbs or not though I tend to get little bumps at hand too when i shave though.

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you should clearly tell your mom and agenda an office call on with a gyno these could be several things you won't get a for sure diagnoses within this forum because there are various possibilities

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