How can I get my period back?

I am 19 years old, feminine. I have have my period since i be 12 and it was regular. Recently (the past 4-5 months or so) It have been irregular, and presently I haven't had it for almost 2, going on 3 months. I have lost shipment recently and be exercising. I have also be under deeply of stress. I know all this will affect my length, but all I want to know is how to return with my period pay for. Please help!

How can I become taller?

Athletes lose their length due to lack of body lubricant.
You need to hold a certain amount of body fleshy to produce your period. You should also take home an apt. with your doc. & get hold of a check-up & make sure nought else is going on with your body.

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don't verbs about it unless you are trying to obtain pregnant. why have the added stress of monthly?

Does anyone know?

eat regulary
u may gain substance but so what!?
you should stop over excersing

Binge eating/emotional eating - how do I stop this bloody habit!!?

relax stop stressing clutch a test later go to a doc.

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I deduce you've already answered your own question!! If your exercising is excessive, slow down a bit; and find out how to conquer the stress level. I hope you're okay!

Boy Problems!?

you could have gone too low within weight and stress does do funny things to our bodys =you should own that looked into

What do you do to help your cramps?

You may want to yak to your doctor about this. They know you better than we do.
Try switching to yoga for exercise. It help relieve some of the stress and doesn't overwork your body.

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Well, it should come back on its own eventually. One more month and you should probably see a doctor in the order of it. I know not having it is call amennorrhea (sp?). You can look that up to find out more about it. You may hold to go on the pill to receive back to regular again. But please, see a doctor if this go on too long.

Is it painful doing it the first time?

My term stopped due to fast solidity loss and stress. I started eating more generally (which was rugged since I was trying to fit into my nuptials dress!) but I knew it be more important to be good. Within a week, my period started.

Here are some tips from a website:

Keep a calendar of when your period occur and how long they ultimate. This information can help your doctor label a correct diagnosis. Take it to your appointment.
Eat healthy foods and keep hold of your weight steady. If you are overweight, a in proportion diet and regular exercise will help you lose solidity slowly (no more than 2 pounds a week). If you are underweight, eat more.
If you follow a strenuous exercise program, consider adjectives back until your period come back.
If you hold sex, always use birth control. Talk to your doctor more or less the available methods.
If you think you might be pregnant, return with a pregnancy test whenever your term is 5 or more days late. Don't linger. Confidential testing and counseling are available in most doctors' office and clinics. Take your first morning urine specimen with you for the testing. Keep it refrigerated until you filch it in.
Consider counseling if you are stressed out.

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The best answer is to see a Doctor, but if it stops because you lost immensity, stress etc... then once it is sorted out it will come subsidise. I stopped mine for a few monthes because of stress. Don't worry it will come subsidise.

I do reccommend seeing a doctor though. Incase it is caused by dietry problems, or man underweight.

Besides birth control pills what is the best form of birth control?

The only process your period would stop is if you are anorexic or own a problem you need to budge to a gyno for. If you are not eating and you are exercising continuously, you stipulation to seek assist. Stress can play a role in delay you period, but not for months. Unless you are pregnant.

Is this ordinary for before your time of year?

your period is freshly "frightened"
your hormones are changing & your term is just going right along next to it
the best thing to do is hang around it out & exercise regularly, but don't overdo it

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