Is this normal for before your period?

i started my last interval about four weeks ago. immediately i'm noticing that i can't fastener up one of my favorite skirts, that used to be too big! i don't think i'm acquirement weight becuase i've a short time ago started track season and i'm a long distance runner and i've been running a ton. is it commonplace to get a bit... bloated before your extent? also, my last interval only last about two days, next i still kind of have it but it wasnt bad at adjectives. hardly any discharge. is that from starting to run again and becuase i'm so involved?


How long is too long?

Honestly sometimes you will bloat more then other times.If you've have salty food those will variety you retain more water cause you to bloat more then middle-of-the-road.And being stirring usually won't do much for your period exfcept save you from getting really bad cramps by keeping busy and mobile.
Best of luck

Can u make ur boobs bigger inherently?!?

Bloating is normal and strenuous exercise can muffle or suppress menstruation

When you skip your period, do you pick up your eggs and have menopause subsequently?

your just bloated. I hear that you should drink more water when your bloated. Weird.

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