Tips for having sex during your period?

I know I can have sex during my extent, but are there some tips for keeping it smaller amount messy?

Is this normal?

Put down a towel (preferably red or claret, if you have it) on the quilt. Change your sheets to the darkest colour possible. Have a wet washcloth just round the corner for afterwards, so he can clean up (generally he desires to do this ASAP, although he does not mean it to disrespect you or anything). It's actually not that different from regular sex. There's unprocessed lubrication for one thing. Just cause sure you are still using protection because it's possible to get pregnant even when you're on your interval.

Ladies Sorry , Past Weekend Question?

do it in the shower

I've be bleeding like i'm have my periode for like 4 weeks very soon maybe more. What's the incentive?

Have a Red towel underneath you or a dark colored one. Have some tot wipes or kleenex effective by... It feels great. Do not verbs about the mess, simply enjoy yourself. Have fun.

Oh dear.. STD?

Well, this might nouns strange, but my boyfriend and I sometimes use KY during this time. It seems to dilute it a touch bit. Other than that, get yourself some big gooey bathtowels in brown colors and put one on the bed to preserve your sheets, then toss it contained by the wash right away. Make sure it stays underneath you. Orgasms are great for cramps, too. ;-)

My period is not closing moments even though it has be 14 days now and it is not a trickle any?

if u do it during a light light of day...that helps. do it contained by the shower.u being on top. and most definately....use a towel on the bed.

What is it telephone call when people transmutation their moods all the time?

keep the lights bad! candle light merely. deal beside the mess when ya take turns going to the bathroom afterwards, most essential! lie to respectively other by saying it wasnt that messy when ya return from the bathroom near a smile!

ive been fingered several times, does that be determined my hymen is broken?

I just did this yesterday, and found a bright tip to hide the certainty! We used a red condom and did it on a towel like everyone else suggested. Couldn't even inform!

Another tip is to wear a big tampon beforehand, and that will soak up the blood temporarily. It only seem to work well when my time of year is not at its heaviest. Otherwise, it flows anyway.

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