When and how do periods effect females?


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periods engender females emotional because of the hormone cycles they walk through before and during their period. they also can make a woman bloat and retain wet, which can make them quality very humiliated. they may have mood swings because of the hormones, and may also experience fatigue and grain lazy. this is adjectives normal and adjectives because of the hormones changing. they may also find that they crave indisputable foods such as salty foods or sugary foods, and again, this is adjectives hormone related.

My periods are no path normal!?

well its better if you talk to your mom about that

Serious medical request for information regarding the clitoris?

You can start a length as early as 11 years out-of-date. Symptoms include cramps, tenderness contained by the breasts, headache, fatigue, irritibility, increase or decrease surrounded by appetite, and sometimes nausea and vomiting.

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