Oh dear.. STD?

Ok, so I need to know if it's possible to acquire genital wart, even if I haven't been sexually moving in reasonably a long time. I'm a little worried, anyone know?

When you grasp breast implants, do you discern them under your skin?

Yes, it is possible that the Virus hide waiting 2 attack when UR defenses R diminished.
Go C a Doc 4 a more educated feelings Or perhaps hold a chat with UR Practice Nurse.
Try not 2 verbs, they can B sorted out.

Eating curd regularly ,also cause pimples ans by doc?

if you truly have wart, down there..you stipulation to see a dr. i don't about the sexually stirring part though. they may enjoy been dormant for awhile. you'll obligation to contact past partner and have them tested. sorry almost your problem.

Waxing - no specific place tho -?

go to your doctor maybe nearby just bumps but these citizens dont know so i think you should check next to your doctor

PMS question?

It can hold a while for symptons occur.I would articulate if your asking then your worried.dance to the Dr. or a health clinic.they will update ya. It may be scary for you, but it's better to know!!

Contraception Pills?

I STARTED BREAKING OUT INTO BUMPS.. so I go to my gyno and she didnt know WHAT IT WAS.. so 5 days later I move about to my doctor and find out its a staft infection.. that was a month ago and im still trying to fihgt it sour. my gyno did call me and read aloud it wasnt herpes, she took a culture check

Only women and doctors answer please.?

here are some websites with more answers than i will ever be capable of give..

how can you relate if a friend is secretly jelous of you /envys you?

Absolutely. You could hold been infected along time ago and symptoms are in recent times know showing. You may want to have yourself screen for other STDs, AIDS, and hepatitis.

Women, I have a interview!?

it could be even if you dont have any signs beforehand intill now it could be getting worse but it may not be the best guidance i can give you is to see an obgyn and hold them do a paps but it maybe zilch to worry roughly could be a pimple or something you can get them anywhere

How can you lose weightiness real nifty without purchase muscle?

it only take one time hun so you need to win checked out eapecially if some one you slept with have genital warts A.S.A.P.

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