What is this and whys it hurt?
Okay i had a yeast infection from some antibiotics and after a day after the yeast infection symptons showed up i get a sore down there, it be red and sore at first and then it started to itch.. and in a minute it just hurts and i basically found another one. Im trying to get rid of the yeast infection and i dont know what they are or what to do more or less them i have two of them and my docters appointment is in a week. but i freshly wanted to know if any one on here know what they were.. so if any one have anything let me know thankfulness for you time later ya'll
Sometimes yeast can be more than just vaginitis. Mine seem to be a red rash surrounded by the crotch. Get an antifungal cream from the drug store (over the counter). I use clotrimazole cause its generic. Use that for a couple of days and see it if controls the red sores. Antibiotics, deplorably, encourage yeast overgrowth inside and out.
For makeshift information on the systemic yeast syndrome, check out the link on the Welcome page of www.hufa.org.
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My first thought is STD. Could merely really be irritated. Cut sugars out of your diet until this is gone.Question about Birth Control Pill?
You should be evaluated by a condition professional. There may be something else going on besides the yeast infection, like an allergic hostile response to the medicine you're using to treat the infection. Please see your doc as soon as you can.In the have it in mind time, use anti-bacterial soap to cleanse the area several times a sunshine, cut down on sugars, and eat yogurt near active yeast cultures, and wear cotton underpants and loose fitting slacks or skirts for the time person till you can be seen.
It could be Herpes you stipulation a doctor 2 treat U ASAP
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