How to make a boob cake?

I need ideals on how to sort a cake and make some boobs to sit on it so it look resembling a cake with boobs. Need Help ASAP.

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did i hear you right? you want to make a boob cake? lol im not moderately sure. maybe google it?

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Make a regular rectangular cake. Purchase two small oven proof bowls (stoneware would probably work best) and cook two small cakes surrounded by the bowls. Then remove the cakes (be sure you greased and floured the bowls well). Then, put them on the rectangular cake and frost and dress up like boobies.
Or, you could purchase a betty crocker scorch n fill tub (about $20 in most places). Make sure it have the dome pan. Make two dome cake, and you can just own two giant boobs without the rectangular cake.

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They actually breed cake pans for this (LOL) try doing a rummage through on specialty cake pans. However, if you don't want to through the hassle of doing that . You receive a regular flat cake and cut it to look like the chest and consequently you take round cake pan and cut to shape for the boobs. decorate properly. I did one as a joke and used cupcake jar to make the boobs. (making fun of the chest size unsurprisingly.) Good luck and have fun.

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make a regular cake, get two snoballs (pink coconut-covered domes, most plausible next to the little debbie treats) put them over the cake and frost if desired. put a maraschino cherry on the top of each mound.

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I made one awhile put a bet on for my friends 30th Bday. I used a Pyrex oven safe bowl near just regular cake mix. I frosted it a skin colored frosting using dye that I bought at a local craft store. For the nipple I used a pinkish color frosting and a red piece of candy.
Once I frosted the cake though I added a few nerds where on earth I would place the nipple and frosted the pink frosting over that. It made it look more real.

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You know those stainless steel mixing bowls? They can be used in the oven to cook with. Get two of the smallest sized bowls and spray them near non-stick baking spray and use them to bake two small boob-shaped cake that can go lying on a larger sheet cake.

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Hahaha, I made a boob shaped cake for my brother's 18th birthday as a prank, so maybe I can lend a hand...

I used a cake pan that be meant to bring in a barbie dress, just colored the white icing a peach color and such to fashion it look like a boob instead of the floor of a barbie dress. It turned out good, too! It'll be big, but that'd work on a rectangular cake if you want a duo of boobs. I suppose you could try to find a smaller one in the same shape, but the interconnect goes to the type of jar I used. Hope this helps!

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