why and how often do you need smear tests?

i am 22 i have have 3 boyfriends since the age of 19 although my latest one i enjoy been near for well over a year and i hear someone talking something like smear tests and im worried in a minute!

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In the UK (England) you will not be invited for your first smear until you are 25 yrs old. The reason behind this are:-

"Cervical cancer is in danger of extinction in women lower than 20. Teenagers' bodies, particularly the cervix, are still developing, which way young women may take an abnormal smear result when near is nothing wrong. This could organize to unnecessary treatment so screening young women might do more mar than good.

Under the age of 25 years, invasive cancer is extremely bloody, but changes contained by the cervix are common. Although lesion treated in immensely young women may prevent cancer from developing many years next, the evidence1 suggests that screening could start at age 25. Lesions that are destined to progress will still be screen-detectable and those that would regress will no longer be a source of anxiety. Younger women will not have to endure unnecessary investigations and treatments.

Any woman under 25 who is concerned going on for her risk of developing cervical cancer or her sexual health across the world, should contact her GP or Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic."

Please use the link below for the best source of information just about smears in the UK.

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You should start have smear tests annually once you're sexually live. Make a "long" appointment at your GP.


It detects cervical cancer. You should own one every 3 years (or 5 years in some parts of the country) Go along to your local family connections planning or your GP cos you need to hold one.

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You need them to check for deviant cells surrounded by the cervix that can signal cervical cancer. If they're caught early plenty and removed then here's normally no problem.

I believe you own your first one at 25 - the hospital will be in contact next to you. If you're really worried, go agree to your GP, they'll be able to relay you more than I have.

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you should own your 1st one 3 yrs after you first sleep with someone consequently every 3 yrs after that just to check for cancerous cell or any other problems you may have, VERY IMPORTANT!

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You need to hold a pap smear done every year once you become sexually active.

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In the uk all women between the ages of 20 and 65 are invited for a assessment every 3 years, some suggest annual tests are better.
The risk of cervical cancer is cut by 84% if you hold a smear test every 5 years, and 91% every 3 years. Having an annual smear experiment reduces the risk an extra 1-2%. It's a simple check and nothing to verbs about.

we are the couple minus baby for 8years. we are from Tamilnadu. we are tried abundant instituion but of no use.?

In Australia it is recommended you have a Pap Smear oral exam done every 2 years. By the sounds of it you havent had one done at adjectives. Better go and see your Doctor and own one done.

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There are heaps kinds of "smear" test. If you mean those for sure sexually transmitted diseases, that depends on whether you have symptoms or what your stratum of risk is. For example, do you ever have unprotected sex?

If you aim the "Pap smear" which is the cervical cancer screening test, in general that's done about once a year if the previous examination was usual. If it was mildly uncharacteristic, it is repeated sooner or other tests close to a colposcopy is done. If you have two or three majority Pap smears, some doctors will only do them every two or three years, but if you are not completely monogamous (and so is your partner!) annually is better.

If you own never had a Pap smear, cog of the "well woman" annual exam, you are several years overdue, especially since you are sexually stirring. You also want to find out if you have already contracted HPV because if you enjoy not, there is a vaccine you entail to take to prevent oodles kinds of cervical cancer.

Pap smears are extremely helpful within detecting cervical cancer, often surrounded by the precancerous stage, when it is highly curable and the skill to have adjectives pregnancies can be protected. Early cerical cancer can be 95% or higher curable but advanced the cure rate drops to 30% or smaller number and may involve drastic surgery.

Don't just verbs, take thought of yourself. Male an appointment and discuss all of this near an OB/Gyn specialist or nurse .practicioner.

Please as many responses as possible would be appreciated?

You requirement a smear test every 3 years, this is to gross sure your cervix is cancer free.

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I'm giving you my own personal experience I started on birth control pills at an hasty age 16. They gave them to me to regulate my period. I was not sexually stirring till 18, but I used to go every six mts after I get married at 23 because my Dr. would only furnish me 6mts supply. this was slightly some time ago. but ironicially I used to be a histologist and I would stain these pap smears.At age 31 left my husband,have a 3yr old go home to mom and dad. Went to my old gyn who did a pap, give me my 6 mts supply of bc pills and I was sour. Three days later his department called for a repeat smear, when I saw Dr. he informed me I have an abnormal smear, did a cervical bx, come back cancer, and be well into my uterus-result partial hysterectomy at 31. So yes I thionk a woman who is sexually alive, or on bc pills go at tiniest once a year. I was lucky but cancer showed up within me within 6 mts. P.S. this be a while ago and I never had HPV contained by my history. At least progress and get checked for any STD or better however use thos condoms their not only for birth control, they can reclaim your life..Literally

pleae answer my press!?

you are due for 1 now see your Dr Hun

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