First intercourse...?

Before my first intercourse, i was fooling around near my bf. He penetrated a little and i started bleeding more than somewhat so i thought my hymen might have broke. But the subsequent time we did it all the channel, i bleed again. Though i might be bleeding quite abundantly, it didn't hurt much. Is this normal or is in that something wrong with me?

men please answer.?

try once again, if it happen, rush to a doctor. and last but not the most minuscule i hope u didn't do it while ur periods

Girls Advice!?

perfectly common

what causes a doomed to failure smell in vagina?

not to verbs

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if you've been bruised that cause bleeding maybe you hold a small entrance and that is conventional..but another type of bleeding coming from inside its abnormal..subsequent time use lubrication so that you will not get might impose infection..

What is wrong with me? i own been beside my husband for nineteen years i love him to bits,?

Sounds perfectly usual. I hope you are taking contraceptives or are you trusting him. Good idea to cart extra precautions as you will be the one holding the bundle so to speak. See a female doctor for the medication as it is greatly less degrading and she will check on other problems if you feel the stipulation to.Good idea to start research how to take effort of your body and the tests you can hold which can save your natural life so good luck , hold fun and go to it ---be a responsible full-grown ..

does it matter if i bring my pills out of order for example if its Thursdays can i cart the Sunday pill?

i suggest that you go see a doctor that what be the best piece to do...

Pregnancy problems HELP PLEASE?

He may not have broken the Hymen adjectives the way the first time. So this is majority.

Weight Gaining & Stretch Marks after Marriage (women only)?

That is normal

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