Unusual discharge! (girls only please)?

i have have a clear sticky discharg for abot a year now but havnt started my peroid also i own verry small boobs and i am 12 i want to no if this is normal and what age u have your first peroid.
i play a lot of sports and am verry underweight but a put away like a pig does this own anything to do with it?

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The discharge is impeccably normal. If you hold breast buds, I would expect that you would get your time within a couple years. Breast change are the earliest sign of puberty. I started my period when I be 14. It is not considered a problem that a period have not begun until you are 16 years behind the times. Being underweight and athletic can cause a time of year to be delayed or even not start. However, there are several girls who are both of those things that have period. I think you nouns like a completely typical 12 year old! This self said, here is some information and I hope you don't take offense to it, but you never know and I would in recent times like to sort sure if not for you but for someone else reading this that they own the info they need:
Just because someone have never had a term does not mean they cannot catch pregnant. So if anyone is having sex prior to the start of their spell please use some method of birth control. Also, if there is an odor (usually intensely bad smelling)or the discharge is colored you may own an infection or sexually transmitted disease that needs to be treated.
It is possible to enjoy an infection even if you don't have sex. The discharge would be sticky and creamy and white, some compare to cottage cheese however, I have have this and didn't think it looked close to cottage cheese...this is a yeast infection. It happens when the vaginal nouns is too moist and warm. We enjoy normal yeast that lives surrounded by our bodies but when the environment gets out of whack they can grow widespread. It is important to trade name sure you wear cotton panties. That helps beside pulling moisture away from the vaginal area. This infection cause itching and burning when you pee. It is possible for it to go away on it's own, but plausible would need treatment from a doctor (medicine creams or pills). Some women eat yogurt that contains live cultures (it say it on the side of the container)and say that this help it go away. I hope this help. And I hope I didn't offend you...if I did I am sorry. Take Care and know that you are hugely normal and soon it will happen and you will later have investigational questions! : )

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no you are normal =it is a sign that your hormones are varying to start having period

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Clear discharges are normal for girls. I started my extent when I was 12 but it can begin at any age. Often, you gain weight after you start your length because of hormone changes but underweight girls habitually start their periods latter than other girls. If you are worried, or if the discharge smells bad or is washed out or brown, go to a doctor.

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no it doesn't have anything to do beside it
Yes this is normal

Late time of year (month late) and a virgin?

The discharge is normal. It is a cervical mucus. It keep your insides clean. I be 14 before I started, and be flat chested through a lot of my juvenile years.
Being underweight only affects it if you are seriously underweight. If you are too limited for your body to support a pregnancy then you will not ovulate and so will not have a spell. I doubt that is the issue near you.

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if you excersise alot afterwards that is why your body develop. your body know that it is unawares to have a baby(that is y you are going through puberty) because you dont own the proper amount of body fat. it is alright. read the book what is scheduled to my body book for girls. it helps alot! trust me to be exact what i read when i was in the order of to start my period.

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playing a lot of sports can gross you start your period then than the average age, but everyones different. ur supposed to have discharge for i ruminate 6 months before your first time of year, but i had it for instrument longer than 6 months, so everyones different. also, your probably underweight because you play a lot of sports and conceivably your just built small and enjoy a fast motabelism.
dont verbs your boobs will grown later..slowly but surely they will grow

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