Ladies! pregnant?

okay, i had a length feb 2, next one demo 6. I still have not started for this month on the other hand. I had sex on the 13, 15, 17, and 31 of parade. I usually have pretty steady period but now am getting worried. Is it too soon to be worried roughly being pregnant? when are women most probable to get pregnant? any suggestion or expirience would be lovely.

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You should be about due for a extent. I would give it another week because stress may cause a difficulty. If you do not start by next Monday, later I would recommend taking a test. If you are pregnant, that channel you know early on and can whip precautions to have a nontoxic and effective pregnancy. Good luck getting what you want.

Questions more or less birth control?? please help!!?

You may be pregnant. Take a home audition and if you still want another see the doctor they can help. Good luck!

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your end period started pageant 6? you usually ovulate on day 14 so if you started demo 6,your O day would be 20th, slight possibility you couldve get preg from the 17th but do a preg test and see what it say.

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You could be pregnant. It's not too soon to be worried just about it, since your period is already past due. Go get a pregnancy audition. And if it turns out you are not pregnant and don't want to get pregnant, you really should be using protection.

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