Is it normal to have long labias?

this mite sound wierd but in attendance pretty long... and im 16 and still a virgin

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You are fine. Don't think smaller quantity of yourself if you're not exactly like the representation in your herald of what you think you should be close to. Don't even worry in the region of surgery, you are good satisfactory.
I think it's cool that you are still a virgin.

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y'call those cameltoes

Recently sexually live, frequent urination?

What's a labia?

What do you think is best pad or tampons?

Everyone is different. Don't worry in attendance are many women beside longer, or larger labias.

Is it ok to masturbate once a day.I am 14 and i do. Does it enjoy any connections in getting pimples.?

each personage is different. it might look a lot longer contained by your eyes but to somebody else it would be fine...

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Lol yes it's fine. Glad you're still a vigin-you go girl!

I am have mygrains and i think its my extent acting up and it is hurting bad and after i throw up what i do?

yes its normal , and I devise there sexy and fun to play near lol

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also uneven
noone is model:)

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We all come surrounded by all shapes and sizes. Our labia are not adjectives alike. Yours are perfect for you. Relax.

Getting my tubes tied?

Yes it is. If you perceive uncomfortable nearly it, you can always run to a plastic surgeon. I would say, be proud of your long labia.

Help! My time is 10 days late (3 months postpartum and already get one period) is this normal. please relief?

yeah that's pretty normal, they come within all shapes and sizes but within's nothing wrong next to long ones. Long ones are actually more fun to make oral on and look cool when they cling to your manhood as you pull out. If you're really concerned around it, you could try to gain weight. Fat girls cast a shadow on their lips really economically, skinny girls tend to stick out more. I would prefer a skinny girl with longer jaws any day though.

I took few pufs 3.5 months ago for the first time surrounded by my life, presently I have to whip hair exam, i'm I contained by trouble?

No, you should get some surgery right immediately that you are young. it will be more difficult when you gain older. Plus it is intensely unattractive.

Women Only please ?

Womens vaginas come is adjectives shapes and sizes, and they are all different. So you're impeccably normal!

Am I Normal?

There's a run of the mill variation surrounded by length, from very short to fundamentally long. The length doesn't matter at adjectives - it won't help or stop getting pregnant, it won't help or bar giving birth, it won't help or block sex, it won't make you more or smaller amount attractive to a lover.

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Don't worry it's adjectives. I new a girl who used to roll hers . My answer is a serious one, this is no ploy. It is true some guys may be put off by it. There is a surgery to fall them, but in your valise , I would wait till 18 or when a Dr. say they have fully grown.

This is cosmetic surgery and Insurance may not cover it, Unless you own a compassionate Dr, who will reduce them as removing a growth.

I yearning you good luck.

I construe i am on my period but i don't know oblige?!?

Normal? Yes and No!

A good article? Likely yes.

Don't worry roughly it! It's all kewl.

Can a women or girls dance pee standing up and pee into toilet?

First off, Labia is the plural, so you can vote, my labia are long. Second, how long are you talking? One inch? that's okay. Two inches? Still everyday. 3? Kinda long. Anything over that you might want to have a doc check out and plastic surgery can correct it. Some guys resembling them like that and give the name them meat curtains, phat lips and the approaching. Sorry for the graphics, just advisory you.

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