Every time I insert a tampon I get sharp shooting pains in my sides low down. its only been the last 2 days?

I'm 22 and have be using tampons for years. But when I came on yesterday and inserted the tampon I be doubled over with torment. It lasted around half hour and I be fine but its happening every time I exchange my tampon. I change regularly and know I am using them correctly. What could it be.I'm really worried.

My little finger is severely numb..?

Well stop using them! Go see your doctor.

What is this?

PLEASE see your Doctor! Best Wishes.

i need to receive a second medical opinion! PLEASE SHARE ANY INFO?

The same entry has happen to me a few times. Just wait another 2 hours and try. Sometimes if I'm contained by a hurry it happens, or if I'm doing it at the wrong angle. I've be using them for years too. But if you are at all concerned or if it persist, call your doctor/gyn. It's happen to me and I never really thought anything of it. I just thought I be hitting something with the tampon that wasn't supposed to be hit.

My Doctors won't listen!?

You could be simply hitting a brass neck. Or you could have a cyst or tumor. Head to the doctor as soon as you can.

I am getting my first mammogram.?

You have need of to see your Gyn. What you're experiencing is not a normal numbers with using tampons.

You could own a cyst in near or something.

Only a doctor can help you.

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