Why Does My Gf Hate When I Make Fun Of Her?

like today, she's sick so she has diarrhea, shes puking, and stuff resembling that, anyways i was making fun of her cuz she be sick and she got unjust p*ssed. why?

I been have irregular periods is that conventional?

Are you serious? Why would you make fun of her when she's sick?

She probably desires you to be there for her and assistance or comfort her, not make fun of her. That's man a rude jerk. There's a point to where on earth comedy is funny and then it's not.

Spider vein and treatments?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .. Could it be because she is SICK! HELLO????

Does it hurt to remove butterfly stitches?

you can't be serious.

Did you HONESTLY just ask that interrogate?

No period, not pregnant?

because you are person inconsiderate of her health. would you close to it if you were reaction like crud and she be making fun of u being sick..

u are mortal downright RUDE and INCONSIDERATE OF UR GF'S FEELINGS...

is it safe for a couple to hold unprotected sex using an anti-pregnancy patch if neither has any disease?

Because, dork, you wouldn't close to it either if every time you tried to acquire a moments peace some insensitive jerk be in your frontage with nil positive to offer. Don't be shocked if you interweave up with the bug she have.

16 and flat chested?

You're a jerk. I hope she dumps you soon. If you can't control what you enunciate..then you shouldn't be within any relationships.

Grow up.

Has anyone experienced bladder discomfort following hysterectomy?

I'm a guy and you sound approaching a jerk. Making fun of your sick gf? Thats what little university kids do. grow up. You will be lucky if she even speaks to you tomorrow. Apologize to her now

Is here a way for breast?

DUH she requirements compassion not BULLYING!! Take care of her. Mabye stay and verbs, cook , and run her errands.Be more compassionate or you might not have a gf again!!


Put yourself in her place .
Would you want ethnic group make n fun of you? judge about it. if shes your girlfriend, as you read out, you need more respect for her & be here for her. thats very rude to generate n fun of a SICK person, Girlfriend or not, you may seize sick & need give a hand, please Care for her & help her & not Pi## her stale, she has mental state to, its not fun to be sick, you could be sick tomorrow & could be worse, good luck next to your relationship & please think twice since doing things, you could be a better person

Why havn't I have a period minus the patch since the eighth grade?

If you ponder picking on someone who is sick is funny your an idiot who doesn't deserve to be in any relationship. Apparently you have no mood for any one but yourself. Grow up and become a man if possible!

How much shipment?

Why would you make fun of someone for individual sick?! She's probably already embarrassed as it it, and afterwards you have to be an insensitive contract and poke fun at her! How idiotic?! How old-fashioned are you anyway, because I don't even think toddlers say aloud crap like that! You should apologize to her and do some errands for her for comparatively a while to make up for that, and anyway, I doubt she'll forgive you completely. What if whenever you get sick like that everyone started laughing and yell at you? Wouldn't you get pissed, too? A clever teacher once said "Make sure your brain is in gear past engaging mouth!" That go with this impeccably. Don't be surprised if she dumps you, moron!


wow men! I can't believe you actually lately asked
this...then again yes I can.

She be fukking sick!

Do NOT tease. Womens' hormones are crazy.

Take prudence of her be a total gentleman not an asss. Apologise for mockery and make her a cup of tea. Do something nice.

Women love to be loved.expecially when they touch like shiit.

Female masterbation's effect!?

Whether you approaching it or not, women tend to get moody and moving, especially when their body/hormones are acting up. Making fun of your lady WHEN SHE IS SICK is a big no-no. That's mortal mean and showing you are insensitive to her sensations and well-being.

I mean, i know guys love to practical joke around even at serious problems, but women sometimes will go along next to it or sometimes they wont. And if your gf got cracked at you for making fun of her while she's sick, then you should realize she's NOT LAUGHING.

Apologize to her and trouble. We like to consistency loved and care especially during tough times. I know you wouldnt approaching to be pushed and made fun of if you were sick or consciousness down; so dont assume she will like one teased.

My right breast is incredibly sore and sort of feels firmer than the other, any accepted wisdom what is causing this?

Because conceivably she feels resembling your not there to support her and perchance she feels anxious. She isn't well so without a doubt she won't exactly turn round and laugh beside you :)... hope I helped...Just be calm with her and engender sure she's alright, then when she's better you can hold a laugh when she can marry in short being too hurt:)

Strange length.?

Please tell me you made this grill up to get a rise out of ethnic group. And if you didn't your a real peace of work.

How mortified is it for you young ladies?

Guess what? Too much negativity become annoying & it can become painful if you put her down adjectives the time. A person who is sick doesn't own much of a sense of humor when it comes to getting razzed about one sick. especially if they are puking, or almost crapping their pants. It's a outstandingly embarrassing situation & not really something you want everyone watching! Give her a break & appologise! You really should thoroughness about how she feel instead of trying to convince yourself that you didn't do anything wrong. After all, if you didn't do anything wrong, why would she be so upset?

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