What are symptoms of adults who were sexually abused by a parent?

(side effects)

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Adults may have delayed intense development, poor self-esteem, poor self-image, depression, they may themselves be abusers, sexual characteristics confusion, substance abuse, inability to form relationships, denial & suppression. That's for starters. And I wouldn't beckon these "side effects".

Your period?

They tend to ask wierd clear ended question on womenanswers.orgs. That is the only set symptom.

What could it be?

Distant, always appear nervous, can't look you within the eye, doesn't hold good converstaion, answers are brief.

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come on, you already know the answer(s)

more likely to be sexual abusers themselves
more expected to be involved in abusive relationships as adults
childlike voice that persist into adulthood
more likely to own sexual addictions or compulsions

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in tons cases they too become abusers

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There is a substantial body of research linking child sexual maltreat with several mental health disorders, such as anxiety, drinking disorders, and substance abuse. Many assault victims show classic signs of post-traumatic stress disorders, such as trouble sleeping, nightmares, or an inability to remember the abuse. There are also physical symptoms, including headache and obesity.

Families where on earth sexual abuse is adjectives are more likely to foster physical and moving abuse as in good health. For example, one study found that women who'd been sexually abused be five times more likely to own been physically abused and three times as imagined to also report emotional deprivation. They may quality isolated because they don't have a parent to turn to or aim help from when they want it.

What this means is that contained by some cases, researchers can't isolate sexual abuse from the dysfunctional kinfolk life that comes beside it. What we know for sure, though, is that early assault, whether sexual, physical or emotional, is a stressor that leaves children adjectives to both mental illness and physical ailments that hold a psychological component.

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They tend not to trust anybody,depression,some dose not have a clean sex life. they tend to drink and is really messed up in the chief.

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They run the gamut. So, being so confusing with your ask makes it sturdy to answer. Some abused children do not have oodles symptoms while others have it adjectives and no one can predict the ones who won't or the ones who will. A parent abuse a child should be sexually castrated, in my inference.

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some suffer from manic depression with stern episodes..its very tricky for them to trust ppl or to get close to them..some may not close to to be touched or have sexual relations.they enjoy nightmares n wake up hysterical n crying n they r ashamed to explain to u what the dream was roughly speaking because they was if truth be told reliving what happened to them contained by real enthusiasm.the so-called experts say jump to counseling n seek backing.. it does help to a enduring extent.it doesnt stop the nightmares or the flashbacks,it gives u the tools to buy and sell with them better than in the past.sometimes that doesnt help n ppl hold to be medicated but thats another story..

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