Has anyone tried Feminine washes ?

Hi, i just bought some feminine dry-clean and want to know if it is better than ordinary shower gel and soap as i get irritated by most of these things. It say that if protects from irritation i just want to know if anyone uses them surrounded by replace of any other soap or shower gel ?

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I use FDS body dry-clean for sensitive skin. If I use the normal type I get hold of sensitive down there. I can't use anything else, any, or it starts to irritate my skin, and almost burn.
I've been using like type of feminine wash for over 5 years beside no problems. My ob/gyn says it's a fitting idea to stay away from anything beside fragrance in it for down in attendance.

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Yeah, i use em to remove pine sap from my car

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Hi, i've tried one, because i'm sensitive to middle-of-the-road shower gels etc., but it be exactly the same and adjectives like hell!!

Good luck!

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I use Summer's Eve. It's smaller quantity irritating than soap and it's excellent at controlling odor. If you get irritated smoothly, like I do, use the Sensitive skin formula.

White kinda stretch grades?! HELP!! HELP!!?

you can't beat getting a feminine to wash you. Did I read that incorrectly?

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Your best bet is warm river and a fragrance free soap such as simple. Its cheaper and more effective.

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I use one and own founf it much better than shower gel or soaps as it has no soap content and is much more friendly to the unprocessed juices your vagina produces to maintain itself clean. With shower gel, I was finding I be over producing discharge and it was smelling funny, until I changed, in a minute everything is happy and hygienic!

SPOTTING 3days TWO weeks later extent came in good time next month no spell help COULD I STILL BE PREGNANT?

I use some when I can afford em cos they are really dear if you're to use them day by day. but fragrance free soap could just be as powerful. wish someone could invent something cheaper but a moment ago as good

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try if u can find LACTACYD.its really mild,sure u wont feel that again.

Is it okay to want..?

Simply – you don't obligation them.

The vagina is self-cleaning, the natural flora contained by the vagina and discharge keeps the vagina verbs and healthy, the vulva is somewhat different because dirt and dead skin cell can build up (much in duplicate way it can underneath a man's foreskin) so requires your diligent cleaning but all i.e. ever needed is water alone.

Anything, whether it be 'feminine wash', soaps or gels adjectives will have a different pH to your vagina, when the pH in the vagina is effect it in turn effects the inborn environment meaning that go together of flora can be effected – contained by other words 'bad' microbes [anaerobes] take over from the 'apposite' bacteria [lactobacilli] – this lead to infections such as bacterial vaginosis, similarly when the natural vaginal environment is effect it can also lead to other infections such as thrush.

Many commercial toiletries include chemicals that could be unwholesome to health, not freshly in vocabulary of irritation, but also allergic reactions and chemical exposure.

Both vagina and vulva are made up of mucosa, this is similar to skin however does not hold the protective layers so is more prone to sensitivity, this also mechanism chemicals are more easily spellbound into the body – once absorbed they can hang about in heavy cells and contribute to condition issues.

For example, well-known 'feminine hygiene' brand Femfresh contains the like of Nonoxynol-14 that is a potential endocrine disruptor (concern for impair fertility, increased risk of certain cancers), and Imidazolidinyl Urea which is potentially related to cancer as well as can surrounded by cause irritation and is a liver toxicant.
EWG Skindeep - http://www.ewg.org/reports/skindeep

Essentially such products are produced to play rotten women's insecurities about their bodies, by making women get the impression they need to use special wash to stay clean and smelling nice keep their customer base loyal.

The products are completely unnecessary and pose a risk to vigour – funny thing is such products can organize to infections of which symptoms can include heavy smelling discharge, funnier still is that Vagisil lay it on thick 'feminine itching' cream just in the past advertising their 'feminine hygiene' products, marketing at it's best!

Simply your vagina is self-cleaning, it know what it is doing, you don't need these products, adjectives you ever need to stay verbs is plain good infirm fashioned water, you are doing yourself abundantly more harm than flawless by using such products.


Hi my girlfriend has one hip larger than the other does any one no of that?

i wouldn't put anything just fresh water down within!!the vagina is to sensitive for soaps etc!!

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