How can you tell if a woman is a virgin?

Me and my girlfriend have not have sex yet but we are going to tangible soon but she says she is a virgin but i am really suspicous of her

Is this commonplace?

If you have any doubts, consequently end the relationship in a minute.

I dated a girl I knew wasn't a virgin, but it did not concern to me. It was purely us at that moment

Is something wrong when every time you have sex you start bleeding?

You'll know if she pops her cherry when you guys do it.

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now days if a girl is over 13 she aint a virgin!

Girls answer this (masturbation)?

if they bring back blood when have sex...

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go for it and you'll know pretty soon i would regard.hymen?

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if she has a hymen. f she does she may bleed when you own sex when you break it, but she may not have one and still be a virgin. they could lose it while riding a bike or doing some sort of physical leisure like that.

Please relief me i dont know what to do?

well if she says shes a virgin u should believe her... use a condom... no glove no love ;D

Ladies Only PleaseWell unless you know roughly this?

Ask her. women never lie give or take a few something like that.

Let me relay you something. going to bed with a virgin is not adjectives it's cracked up to be. What do they know?

She's going to latch on to you like a barnacle and probably bring pregnant.

Get someone with experience.

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Use a condom!! Also it is smaller number important if she is still a virgin, it is more critical that you both are ready to jump all the mode.

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There is no real guarantee route to find out if a girl is a virgin but on some girls you can see if their hymen is not broken (not all girls hold one and some of them have them too small to check).

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You don't.
Theoreticaly her bleeding would be the giveaway.
But a woman not bleeding doesnt tight-fisted she isnt a virgin. There are various reason why ... gah dont know how to say adjectives that gynecological stuff. Maybe a woman can answer.

The bottom line is. If she bleeds she be. If she doesn't you don't know.

And don't be a jealous shove. Trust is the most important entry ina relationship ;)

Why is my boyfriend not intrested in sex?

you are going to be surprised because its not easy as some general public say, every girl have something different in her body you will see blood after sex sometime a lot and near some girl few and some time not a thing . that doesn't be going to she is not vergin.

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There is no physical road to tell if a woman is a virgin or not. The hymen is not a reliable indicator because it can be broken faster in her time due to an accident or rough sports. It also doesn't close-fisted that she is a virgin if she bleeds when you have sex, because it could only be that her hymen never got fully torn when she have sex before, close to if she was near a guy that had a slim penis.

You should trust her when she tell you that she is a virgin. If you can't trust her, you are really not at a point in your relationship where you should be have sex.

Weird period?

Well, gee guy, how's she going to know if your a virgin?

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