Why is my boyfriend not intrested in sex?

At the beginning of our relationship we did it adjectives the time. We have be together for 2 years. Our sex life have decressed alot. maybe 2 to 4 times a month. I love sex. I love him but i am a markedly sexual person and he is not. He say it's not me it's him. But i dont know what to think.

Itchy breast and red spots?

Well, if you're 5'7" and 145 and he's 6'1", 350, I don`t know he's just-- f'r serious-- embarrassed that he's solid and you aren't.

If a person have pain surrounded by her left breast does that denote that peroson has breast cancer?

Maybe ur podgy and ugly?

Am I going through menopause? I meditate im too young?


How to grow taller?

he may be cheating on u or it only may be that he is stressed.u may need to shave or spice it up also

Why does my girlfriend moods modify every month even thought shes taken b6?

How old is he? I am slowing down immediately in my 40's but this is to my wife's nouns, not sorrow.


He is circumcised, which most men (only in this country) are at birth, which is approaching fixing them, turning them into impotent eunichs. They lose their sex drive quickly, and they cannot regain it in need viagra or some other assistance. Sorry.

Is this normal?


Procreating for dummies press?

is he depressed for any reason or hold a lot on his mind.or stressed out at work? adjectives these factors play a role within men not wanting sex sit him down and try to talk to him to see what the problem is and try to work on it together

Extreme Pain?

tell him to get a physical, you want your sex duration back and you want it beside him.

I messed up my bc and now i am bleeding markedly heavy does this expect i have ovulated?

Hmmm, it could be that his problem is that he is getting it somewhere else.

What is the dub of the test they do when you enjoy an abnormal pap?

Is he on an anti-depressant? (Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac). Those meds drop sex drive. But that amount of sex is really the norm for most human beings.

Microgynon 30?


Whats wrong with me?

maybe hes not pleased with himself.what you have need of to do is build up his ego.iam a man and i can relate to him.maybe he is stressed or something.put in the picture him stuff to build up his moral.

Getting off the pill/spotting/acne?

If i be you i would be thinking along these lines - is he seeing another woman/man? is he taking drugs? does he want to end it? have he got financial problems?

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The honeymoon is over. Lust only last for a few years and after that it becomes routine. I surmise he is over the lust part and is presently in the routine quantity that is with the sole purpose once in awhile. Guys only tire of the same mature thing so try lighting a fire underneath him and do something different.

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You didn't mention how old you both are. Is he on any meds? Have you changed? Maybe its meds, conceivably its physical or depression, lost attraction to you, or possibly someone else is taking up his time & energy. Ask him to progress for a physical checkup. if he checks out ok, both of you should see a counselor.

Stay on Actonel for bone loss?

Perhaps you might want to consider spicing thing up a bit? Do something different or try to be more spontaneous. Surprise him.
If, after that, his attitude hasn't changed...he desires to see a doctor....(unless he's turned gay, has another woman on the side or merely going through a slump)

Protection Failedwhat should I do now?

It's if truth be told boredom. He's use to you. Get sexy for him. Try this:
Dress in something almost transparent for the top. For the bottom, short tight pant (not panties) that are so short he can only see a moment or two bit of your butt. That drives most of us crazy. Oh, and don't make any comments or insinuate that you want him. That will ruin everything. Don't report to him that you wanted him to do something for you. Just smile and pretend to start doing something else that does not involve sex.

What does this penny-pinching?if u havent gotten on ur period for two months?

You might try to communicate to him about this. Is it newly sex or are there other things going on beside him in or outside of the relationship i.e. causing this? And I don't want to nouns mean, but he may not be interested anymore and for some cause (people) don't know how to tell you that. Besides, it is not extraordinary for people to diminution the amount of sex they have contained by a relationship after being together for awhile. Hopefully, this is not it. Talk to him and conceivably you'll find out he wants something different close to excitement or romance. Not just sex. Take him to a sex shop and see what turns him on. Hell see what turns you on together. You never know.possibly it is him. Whatever the case don't pinch it personal. You're not married and if you love sex that much maybe he's not the one you want to be next to anyway.

Should I Be Overly Concerned About This?

my firends girl love it he haded it becuse he shed it just get boring

What is the best medicine when you are sick?

Communication is the best item. There can be many reason why. If the relationship is worth saving, ask your boyfriend to call round a doctor and go along beside him. Ask for him to be honest with what's going on. If he can not be honest or not prepared to take your suggestion, ask him how he feel this situation needs to be address. If he is not willing to release the relationship, he probably will not be willing to do anything to get it work. If that is the overnight case, it is best to accept it and verbs.

Square boobs?

I'm 36 and have be married for 7years with three wonderfull kids and up till immediately i'm still sexually active. We form love minimum 3 times a week. I think the most essential thing is communication. I've be putting 100% in my marriaged life and would transmit how much i love my wife daily (if not busy).

Strech results?

Talk to him

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