Does anyone know if anesthesia has long-term effects of the mind following an operation? I have concerns.?

My grandmother had an operation for diverticulitis contained by late 2005 and again in impulsive 2006. She had be fine mentally before this, but ever since, she have been terribly forgetful: forgetting to take her medication, when she eats, misplacing things, and she have a preoccupation with need to have bowel movements. She's other complaining of not feeling okay, especially right before we're in place to take her somewhere. She have a car, but drives it smaller quantity and less even up to our home for dinner and she lives right in town. She just goes out of her house. My gram's short-term memory is newly terrible anymore. My mom is the individual one in the nouns who takes support of her and is getting frustrated. My uncle lives 2 hours away, rarely comes contained by, and only call my gram once a week. She was supposed to own an MRI done, but cancelled, and it's difficult to get her to jump to the doctor. She sees nil wrong and gets upset when you contemplate something is. Could this possibly be the start of dementia?

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It without a doubt sounds like the commencing of dimentia. Your family is going to enjoy to come together and take her for a proper nouns, and plan on arranging for gran's constant care. Good luck to you and your line.

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You don't mention your grandmother's age but these things which you enjoy written here can happen beside age and she should be seen by a doctor because she can be help to function better and feel happier. Ignoring the situation is discount. Take care of this sweet female and take her to a doctor and explain her symptoms so she can win the help she requests and deserves. Good luck.

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anesthesia have nothing to do near your grandma's short term memory. I've be put under 6 times and no side effects.

It sounds close to your grandma needs mental stimulation, save her busy, have her do puzzles, anything to hold the mind stimulated, otherwise her memory will go. Just close to physical exercise stimulates the body, mental stimulation feeds the brain. short either of them the body and mind will not function resembling it can or should.

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