Why do general public have a sneaking suspicion that abortion is right?

Now wait until that time you answer:

I know someone is going to say:

“Because what if they get hold of rapped”,
Well do you know only 1% of abortions are because of pregnancy through rape

“It is the mothers right to resolve not the governments”,
But doesn’t that baby own the right too?

“It is only a fetus”,
Yea and explicitly why they call them Fetus Showers and not Baby Showers

“Well what if they can not provide for the baby”,
Did you know merely 21% of abortions are because they fear they can not provide for the child and how in the order of trying adoption?

With this said, I am just wondering if anyone can come up beside a good defence to why abortion is right because I have no notion!

Answers:    I think the simply time abortion is (right), is if it is medically necessary. i.e; if the mother;s natural life is at risk, or the fetus would suffer horribly in duration. It's a narrow minded thought to some I'm sure, but most ancestors use abortion as birth control. It's WRONG! jmo..
its just my belief,I do't find it right either.I'm sorry that I could not answer your interrogate ! the women[no she is not a mother yet] has the right to opt what she wants to do beside her own body; hate to break it to you hunny but babies, children and anyone else lower than the age of 18 really dont have consent to do anything lacking parental consent.
abortion is a choice; its not killing because the 'thing' is nil at 1,2,3 months.

i think abortion is a right within itself and to take away that right is taking a step spinal column from all womens rights
do you want to step back to a time where on earth women are inferior to men? i know i dont; its peoples choices, people breed their own choices all the time, its of late a matter of how ethnic group perceive those choices.

im sure some things you do are seen as deviant within some peoples eyes as much as you think have an abortion is.
because most TEENAGERS get preggers, and they receive an abortion to avoid being made fun of at academy

"omg, ur 15 and u have a BABY!?!?!?"

their parents might manufacture them get an abortion because it reflect poorly on the parents

"yeah, that mrs. and mr. blank's daughter had a tot! shes 15!"

and that 21% is WRONG. soooo many associates cant afford a baby, so they catch an abortion.

my best friends sister had to catch an abortion. dont hate her because she doesnt want to be considered a 'slutt'.
in good health the way i see it. it is a folks chose on what it is they want to do with their body one piece that i can say is that conceivably the abortation is being done for condition reasons for the mother or preventable to say the unborn child. near is many reason why most people hold abortions..yeah adoption is cool but no one wld wnt to livethere lifes knowing tht they hv a kid out near...also why bring a child to this earth to suffer if they cnt provide and i kno ur probably thinking afterwards dnt hv sex or u shldv used protection but alot of times it doesnt happen close to that.. ive known general public who hv been on the pill and still hv gotten pregnant or hv have the shot and still gotten pregnant..just close to peopletghink abortion shld be illegal..it shld be teh personality choice,, not wat others believe...protesters are not going to be there when the kid needs things or assistnc..culture now adays complain around hvng to pay taxes for welfare but are one and the same ones who are against abortions...its a 2 way streak
i assume you should be able to bring back an abortion! it is the woman's body & her desicion. i dont think the governing body should control someones body!! i am not saying that it is right. but i regard it should at least be an risk because no one should control someone elses body
hope i help :] I cant think of one apposite reason for taking a human duration. It has a heart thrash, its alive. Watch the net video call "Silent Scream"
They have to come up beside something to try and justify their murder. I be a sign of if they said , well it is a human natural life but we just want to snuff out it anyways, it wouldnt go over to resourcefully.
Its a very gloomy situation. Thats my two cents.
It's sad and an judgment many are divided on. I one-sidedly feel it's enthusiasm the moment it's a cell dividing. Life is precious and there are so masses people out within who want a baby because they can't own one. Even if it's rape, that baby have a right to life.

There are folks who believe it should be the woman's choice. If not by rape, why the h. e. double hockey sticks did they get pregnant.

I instinctively feel abortion is murder. God say we shouldn't murder. And He and only He is the referee. But, other peoples opinion should not sway another's. I newly feel empire are uninformed.

Have you heard roughly speaking partial birth abortions? If you don't and google it, it will make you cry. They tolerate the baby start to be born. When the organizer comes out, they kill the infant thru it's brain.
well as my point of viewpoint, and please dont turn this into a flame war

i assume a woman's body choice is only hers to do, i dont have a sneaking suspicion that is right that people shift around judging women (not singular the ones that abort) for what they do with their own body

and no the tot does not have a choice, (i know it sounds bad) make happen the baby is not going to get him/herself for 9 months the baby is not going to suffer change corporaly the baby is not going to through morning sickness and stuff so at the termination of the day is the woman's desicion on what to do beside her body and noone else should have any belief dont you have your own body to verbs about?
Early residence abortions: A 20-celled embryo does not care what you do next to it. It is no more conscious than a sheet of paper.

Late possession abortions: Here's one case: If the doctors detail you the child has Down's syndrome or something similarly devastating, it seem the only moral entity to do would be to abort it. You don't want to bring something like that into the world. And, again, a fetus doesn't really possess "human consciousness", so it's not murder.

The edict to abort is a very complex and violent one, but one that should be the woman's to make. An embryo or fetus is incapable of making the decision, or even comprehending it, so it rests on the mother's judgement.
um iv never hear of a fetus shower
and just because you dont have an idea that something is rigt doesnt mean noone should be allowed to do it!!

in attendance are many different reason why someone would have a abortion.

also "did you know that singular 21% of abortions are because they fear they can not provide for the child"
21% is alot!

and alot of unwanted children are never adopt!

also what about when the newborn will kill the mother?!
i see u conviently forgot to mention that.

the quetsion reli is when does life commence??

in my judgment
a embryo has the POTENTIAL to be a natural life.
a foetus is a unborn and so not really living life. [listen to the consequence coz yes i kno theyr alive]
a baby is a existence.

so its not murder.

although i think that 6 months is far too slow for the legal aim to be.
i think abortion should be easier to capture up to 12 weeks (one doctors signiture needed instead of 2) because that is when most miscarriages evolve.
after that 2 doctors signitures should be needed and the legal contain should be about 20 weeks unless for medical reason.
i think that abortion is wrong because it isnt the baby's responsibility that the woman had unprotected sex, or that the condom broke or anything so why should the baby die because of the womans carlessness. also...it should be up the mom not the establishment. and people should stop tryingto win out of things you did the deed very soon accept the conciquences. and thats adjectives i have to enunciate about that
also to who ever said "Dont aversion her bacause she didnt want to be called a slut" thats so stupid! omg bloodbath apoor innocent baby because u dont wanna be call a slut is AWFUL! how could someone kill a little one to save their frontage...poor baby :( also a tot is a baby no situation if it has be made for 1 day or nine monthes. u have the sex u have the newborn thats the way it works! if you don't want an abortion, next don't have one.
but don't you construe you should be able to want when and how many children you will enjoy? there aren't plenty people out nearby to raise adjectives the unwanted children.
why should a women who is raped have to transport the child of her attacker? why should she have to live near the constant reminder and a burden that she did not will upon herself?
why should the rights of a fetus be greater than that of its carrier?
i revulsion the idea of abortion too, but i'll be dam if someone in a suit surrounded by an office 1000s of miles away can prefer these things for me...

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