Girls only!!?

ok so like i purely live with my dad and ive have my perid for a year and i wear pads but i want to wear tampons and i bought somee and my dad doesnt enjoy a clue lol. but i tryed and it didnt feel worthy like it didnt hurt idk it feel werid and uncomfubla (sorry cant spell) and my friends wears tampons and r fine next to it so uh like this might be gross but resembling does it go adjectives the way it or what o and how normally do you get your time of year no one ever told me i really dont know so any info only tell me!

Why i am consumption too much?

always follow the directions contained by the box. make sure you are relaxed when inserting it so it go up as far as possible. grasp the tube with your middle finger and thumb and insert it adjectives the way up until your thumb and finger are touching your body, after with your index finger push the bottom cut of the tube all the bearing up. this should put the tampon in the correct position. you should single feel self-conscious if its not put all the process in. individual wear it for 4 hours and then revision it so you won't end up near Toxic Shock Syndrome. Its rare but thoroughly serious. good luck next to everything!

Nipple strangeness.?

hun- you need to cause sure the tampon is in adjectives the way otherwise it will bother you..push the aplicator tube until into you and consequently push it up until it stops (just make sure that in that is the string hanging out so that you can gain the tampon out..)
girls usually get their term every 24-30 days
do you have an aunt or cousin you could speak to..?

Any treatment ideas for a boil?

don know how to do it but every 8 weeks

If you have your period 2 days ago and you own sex, can you get pregnant?

I own mine for about 3-7 days. It's not that doomed to failure. Yeah. I know what you mean. It's complicated for you to tell a guy something like this stuff. But you can work through it.

Should you be relax the first time you have sex ?

tapons r expensive

Can you own sex when?

the box has directions if that help!?!?! but its different for every one. i myself cant feel them at adjectives. It sounds like your pretty ignorant about your length i suggest you look it up on google. that always help. good luck

What could be the problem?

sorry but i dont wear tampons (i asked my mom in the region of it when i first got it and she said you dont want to do that yea) maybe here is like something on the box..? usually you return with it about every 28 days but it is different for everybody so save track of it and count how long between each time of year.

Answer Quickly! Urgent!?

Its not gross at all,don't verbs.
Get GentleGlide,they don't hurt very much. Push it(applicator) contained by until your fingers touch your body,then push the tampon within. Take the applicator out and you're done.

Why do women who live together tend to have their length at the same time?

this site have everything you could imagine for a childish girl just research about her body. they make available out samples too. a moment ago look around and go to the question and you will surely find everything you need to know here.

Why is it that when women live together, their menstrual cycles ten to sync up?

dont be emmbaressed ur doin the right entry to wear a tampoon and yes it should hurt or be uncomfertable for a while but once u get used to it it will be fine,, it duz be in motion all the mode and you get ur extent for a week every month,,, if you start your period let say july 1st to the 7th youll hold your next spell august 1st to the 7th easy a short time ago keep on doin wat ur doin and dangle in near

For women who have or enjoy had breast cancerhelp!?

I dont have an idea that that you put it in far ample you have to stick purely about the total front of the applicator in your cooch and it's best if you use the plastic applicators. You dont hold to worry in the region of anything but seeing the string because the tampon can only turn so far because the coochie stops at a certain point.

Breast Enhancement?

how infirm are you? you had a extent for a year and you do not know how or when it happends? your weird! no ofence (i can not spell ethir) and you stick the tampon adjectives the waym in till you fell a moment or two bump! ok and... do not be frade to tell your dad!

I'm have my period every two weeks.Is this mundane?

Periods come usually once a month, when I first started thoug, I was resembling 3 times a month, I don't know what the hell was wrong next to me.

Errrmmmm, puth the tampn though the applicator until you can't anymore, and it should be in you.

You will get the impression discomfort, but you get use to it some time. Plus, Tampax perl feel as if it is not there, so I approaching those best, others might be prefered.

What is the quickest, yet able-bodied way, to loose immensity?

Tampons are something your body must get used to, follow the instructions and push them in as far as you can. Give it time and i am sure you'll bring back use to them. You are supposed to get your time of year once a month unless taking birth control or other pills that might interfere with your regular spell, sometimes it takes a while for your time to regularte but this is normal. If you want more info you might want to ask a trusted mature or your schools nurse. Hope this help.

What happens during surgery to remove endometriosis? How is the surgery perform?

It occurs something like once a month. However, I would assume you're pretty young so you may not be regular right away. If it feel weird and discomfited, it's not far enough surrounded by. You shouldn't be able to consistency it. Keep trying; it should get easier. Don't be confused either; this have happened to adjectives us girls. :)

Which deodorant and antiperspirant is the best for the worst body odor?

Most tampons (Tampax, Playtex) have an applicator explicitly in two parts -one is larger than the others. Hold the middle of the applicator (right where on earth the 2 parts touch) and push it in. Then, push the bottom of the applicator next to your other hand -this pushes the small chunk of the applicator into the larger part of the applicator -and will push the tampon adjectives the way inside.

It can surface uncomfortable if you are unfamiliar to them -but it shouldn't hurt. Try getting the smallest size tampon you can & see if it still feels discomfited. Also, if you aren't bleeding much you shouldn't wear tampons -stick w/the pads.

Most girls acquire their periods going on for every 28days -and it will last for 5-7days. When you are young-looking, though it can take awhile for you to become "regular" -which medium you may get your spell more or less recurrently, some months you can bleed alot or a little. The elder you get, the easier it will become to pedict when you will win your period & for how long.

CRAMPS!! distress.?

go to they have deeply of helpful information! or go and get the book "the care and keeping of you" it's an american girl book. they both help me a lot.

is it ok if u dont do anythink in the region of a yeast infection?

It must be a bit awkward for your Dad to try and help you next to this. Here is a website that should answer all your question:
Using tampons is a bit tricky at first, but have moderation and you'll appreciate the freedom. You'll do fine. Take care

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