Does an ovarian cyst cause you to gain weight? or mess with your metabolism?


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Yes, an ovarian cyst can cause you to gain consignment...and, yes, it can mess with your metabolism. You should travel back and see your doctor, and consult to him/her about have some blood tests to see if you PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). PCOS cause cysts, as well as metabolic issues...and can impose many other issues that you meditate are unrelated (such as headaches, irregular cycles, fertility issues, insulin resistence, and the detail goes on). Cysts on your ovaries are zilch to joke shouldn't put this off.

If a cyst become larger than your ovary it runs the risk, not only of bursting and cause a vast amount of issues resulting from that, but can also bring your ovary to twist...which will contained by turn reduce the blood supply to it, and can inflict you to lose that ovary. This is not something that happens regularly, but it is a possibility. Cysts can sometimes be cancerous as well. Many times they can be "dermoids" which own cell matter inside them that creats down, teeth, nails etc. (a little gross sounding, but oh so true...I have one and had to hold my ovary removed...while I was pregnant because the pregnancy hormones made it initiate growing really fast - mine have hair inside). So, the moral of the story is...don't dally, get it checked out. If for nil else but to ease your mind and put together sure you are healthy!

Yeast infection?

Absolutely! I have an 8 1/2 lb ovarian cyst when I was 30 and from next on I have developed thyroid disease and immensity gain. Finally has a hysterectomy and quality much better now.

I started interval today, when will my next one be due?

Yes u can gain cargo if u have PSOS Or PCOD.
Yes ur metabolism suffers too.

Is this a strong height/weight?

I've had numerous ovarian cysts, on both ovaries, the size of grapefruits. They did not affect my immensity or my metabolism. I would suggest going on Femcom-36 low dose birth control to help you beside your cysts, and it will control your symptoms. Helped me a ton!

Nipple Discharge..Serious answers only, PLEASE!?

HI! Unfortunately,yes,at tiniest,that happened to me.I have large one on my disappeared ovary,about the size of a tennis bubble. I thought I was bloating,a nd,have a sense of continuous heaviness within my lower stomach. Fortunately,it drained spontaniously through my periodYou should check it out,abosolutely,with your M D. Everybody thought i gain weight,and so did I. My counterbalance went down,almost directly it drained.Oh,and I was HUNGRY adjectives the time,but maybe that be just my nerves?

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