Period problems?

ok well it never come back since ultimate month on march 10 ive have it bout 5 times now but i hold on to thinking bout it do you think that it hasnt come cuz im thinking of it sooo much also my dad just not long got married again so stress im thinking i know it can b erratic but do you think its stress? im 13

I own a friend who only does a bowel movement once or twice?

At your age, period are not regular yet, they come and jump but eventually get right. Yes, stress have an affect on periods. Don't sweat it, lately relax, your body will work things out.

Petite frame with considerable breasts "spilling off" rib cage, any solutions?

It's stress, I know. But I bet that going to a doctor will minister to. There's medicine for this sort of entity. It happened to me when my parents divorced.

I enjoy been nauseated for a week I haven't vomited though.?

You're pregnant.

can you be pregnant and it never show up contained by a urine test?

it's probably in recent times a little postponed.I think

sperm later life?

Just check this site out! It'll have your answers!

Tender breasts?

I don't know what to read out about that. Sorry it may be stress though.

Recall for my PAP try-out?

stress could be making you late, if it hasn't come within a couple of weeks best to see the doctor, try not to worry Hun, run care, not adjectives girls have a regular cycle, i don't x

D&c is it bleeding?

this happend to me 2. im 12 i got it really precipitate like when i was
10. turnin 11. its still rotten track. my mom told me it will be like this for a long time. its not situated on the other hand. i was thinkin roughly speaking it alot 2. the 3 or 4th one i didnt get it for atleast a month and i be freaking out. but then i didnt reason about it i kinda forgot and it come. its all majority. just dont sweat it.

I hold joint dull pain during sleep. Started in my hips, and now it's my hips and knees. Why worse at bedtime?

You hold only have your period for 5 months so you will be irregular and stress can obstruction a period but since you freshly started your probably just irregular. Don't verbs about it, it will come when its in position! :)

Does this also happen to other women?

at 13 yrs prehistoric it is completely normal to own an irregular period. don't be alarmed. also, stress such as your dad's nuptials can have an effect on your menstral cycle. another effect is how live you are. if you play sports this can also make your extent irregular. i didn't start having a regular cycle until i get into college. so don't be alarmed...everything is completely normal.

What is the best course to lose weight within your breasts females?

You're young. Its completely everyday at your age to have missed period. Stress, weight loss/gain can alter it. Also medication can do things to it too. If you're playing sports, that can do it too, anyone really active can put together you not have it as in good health. If you are really worried, if you can, talk to your mom or your unusual step mom. They can help you.

how come you want to put us down?

I be even younger than you when I began my time of year. I remember a few times where my time of year came thoroughly late. For the most segment I think it is middle-of-the-road, seeing as how you just started. If it does not come in a week you should visit a gynecologist a short time ago to make sure.

My wife suffers from vaganismus "vagina spasms" please help out!?

Yes, it is very probable that it hasn't come because of stress, but probs because you are stressing over whether it will come or not! As you said, the cycle is jumpy and irregular and so it is impeccably normal to miss even two months at a time. Hope this help xXx

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