Does this also happen to other women?

Women I dont know if Im the only one beside this problem, if I bathed in the morning and enjoy to have sex beside my husband at night or even until that time night I own to wash again otherwise my vagina will hold a bad smell. Does this also surface to you? Im 31 years.

Fluttering/movement in stomach?

I dont know if im reading this right but are you actually saw that you wash within the morning then BEFORE you hold sex, you wash again? If so after im just similar to you. I always shower within the morning and am careful to rinse that area thorough by using a feminine bathe, talc and deo but by the time evening comes, im smelling. Ive even known myself to smell an hour after a shower. Ive have every test plausible and there's nought wrong.

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Did your husband ejaculate his sperm into your vagina?

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I don't own a bad smell, but I can't a short time ago not wash past its sell-by date afterwards, it would be gross walking around like that adjectives day. I don't know how some women can do that!

DO ineed to use a larger tampon if the blood still comes out after i insert it?

no. but it sounds close to you may have some sort of infection. you should move about to see a doctor fairly soon, especially if this have been going on for a while.

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2 blind men walk by a fish factory..oops i forgot the rest of the practical joke

Yeast infection?

There could be a few reasons for this: you enjoy a STD and are passing it posterior and forth between you and your husband. Hey it's very much possible.
It could also be your diet. Go to a gynecologist

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Of course its gunna smell that whole entity in the movies something like snuggling up after sex is total bull!! Any normal natural active woman requirements to wash it afterwards.Supposedly your vagina is self-cleaning, I reckon it only spits it out so washing is a moment ago common sense and moral hygiene.

Is it to gross////?

Washing is good later wear cotton panties so your coochie can breathe, If it's not cotton coochie gets rotten

Sex turned headache and faining?

Yes you are right,it doesn't matter if you valet in the morning or after sex,the sperm doesn't adjectives come out with one clean.So you will probably find that you have a slight smell for a while but the more you valet you will soon find the smell disappears.

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