Why does my vagina smell like fish!?

Ok i'm probably gonna get some sour the wall answers here but ohwell! Ok so even after I wash beside soap and everything it still smells like fish! Well to me anyways! I've have my check up no STD's or anything! I've married and been next to him 6 years so no new parnters...Whats the business?

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First of adjectives i know this can be a very difficult subject, because as women we other feel that we own to be pure. This has NOTHING to do beside being dirty! It can surface to anyone, when the pH levels of you vagina is thrown out of stability (it could happen next to douching, male ejaculation...etc.)
Is the smell so abhorrent that you can smell yourself while you are sitting down, or standing? Do other people complain that something smells when you are around them?

It is drastically embarassing but you have to return with to the doctor before this problem persist or gets worse!It's most feasible a bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis or it may be trichnomais any way you requirement to get it checked out!

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erm....in actual fact this is not so bad. Do you know in the region of tradisional chinese medicine? i'm very soon still a student, which is studyingg tradisional chinese medicine at 3rd year. Don't know whether you can adopt my explaination or not.
Well, how about your leucorrhea? is it profoundly? how about the colour? the white or ashen one?do you feel completely tired recently?how around your sleep? good or not? do you put away too much recently?did you drinks----liquor?
So, according to the older old tradisional chinese doctor, this is call "hot and damp". erm...it's very complex to explain in english....so, just a suggestion, you can move about to see a tradisional chinese doctor nearby, he'll furnish you some chinese medicine for few days. But depends on you larrr...because i own to tell you first, the flaver of chinese drug is very dull pain.

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