What contraceptive would explanation the least possible hormone devolution?

considering having sex and obviously am going to be using contraception. other girls hold told me stories about various methods they used but made them intensely hormonal.

any suggestions on what I should take?

I plan on going to the docs to get it so I know I can ask her but would resembling to do some research myself.


Answers:    First of all i'm glad you're person sensible and are looking into contraception. I don't react very ably to hormones so am pretty good at this topic. I'll list some option below. I'm assuming you are from the UK if you're from the US some of this will be different.

1) Condoms. My favourite. They protect you against STD's, are freshly as good as the pill at stopping pregnancies(especially if the female doesn't thieve the pill at exactly the same time every day, they stop the unbroken problem of the wet patch and you can get adjectives sorts of different type's to give you better sensations. They are also free from the doctor and family planning clinic.

2) Diapraghms or cap. Not very good. I become pregnant using one of these and they don't give the same protection against STD's. They are a latex/silicone 'cup' that you put inside resembling a tampon that opens up inside you so sperm can not get inside your womb.

3) The coil or IUD. These have lots of bad press in the 1970's as the design be wrong and they were unsafe. Modern coils are now nontoxic. They come with either hormones or no hormones and you preserve them in for 5-10 years. The only problem is they grasp inserted into your womb. From personal experience I can tell you this is NOT comfortable is you haven't had children. Most doctors will not fit these if it's possible for you to progress on the pill. I'm not allowed hormonal contraception and am allergic to latex so with me they fixed to fit a coil as they were running out of options. There is also a lofty chance of pain, hard to digest bleeding and they can decide to expel themselves. This is why I had mine removed.

4) There is something call the natural method that is enormously popular in the US. It is not very apposite. This is why catholic families have lots of children. There is a irrefutable way of doing this where you use pee sticks to check the hormone rank in your unine and look at you rmucus but you need to travel on a special course and is not a good option when you are only starting out.
To be honest I think if you want to avoid hormones your only way out is to use condoms. I used condoms when I first started having sex, (my fiance has have the snip so we don't need to worry roughly becoming pregnant and both had full STD testing. I normally felt like I be the only girl I knew who used condoms as adjectives my friends were on the pill but they were other worrying about wheather they had caught STD's. Once I get to university I met loads of girls who had always used condoms or have always used condoms and the pill.

If you're worried about condoms breaking yes it does occur but very rarely. In 10 years I've have less than 10 break. If you use condoms and one breaks go to a doctor, family connections planning clinic or cemist and get the morning after pill as soon as possible. It uses the same hormones as the contraceptive pill but as it's singular one tablet it's out of your system before you get any side effects.

Hope that help.
I take Femulen (it may have different name, Im in Scotland!) - it is a mini-pill and seems to agree beside me well. The first pill I was given by my Doctor be called Dianette, but that made me feel bloated and gain mass, which was really upsetting for me at the time.
With the mini-pill, it is important to whip it at the same time EVERYDAY with no breaks. It is fine, as long as you enjoy a good memory I guess!
Probably the best thing you can do is own a chat with your Doctor, as they will know your medical history and be able to propose you some choices - I am sure there are over 20 different brands of Pill, so you will find one that works best with your body. Good luck!.
OrthoTricyclen Lo

The Mini Pill


Any of those, but I'm terrifically sensitive to hormones, even with ortho lo, I noticed "hormonal" affects, but again, I'm greatly sensitive..
Abstinence Maybe read this fine book....
Yes It does condoms!!
i have an implant but it does interfere beside hormones and is permanent.
ur doc should answer it all for u though.

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