Spotting= Possibly pregnant?

Possibly pregnant , yet spotting?
My last interval began on March 12, 08. I am now roughly 43 days unsettled.

I started on the nuva ring in Feb. of 08.

I have protected sex , except one hours of darkness (a) March 26 with my ex bf.

My periods are in principle normal around 28-30 days, I think 33 days be the longest inbtween menstrual cycle i've ever had until now.

I took a preg. trial last thurs. and it was refusal. I had a slight clear muddy looking brown discharge on my pad sit. Sunday nothing, then since tuesday its be the same and its not a lot.

Ive feel like my stomach was cramping but they weren't anything most important at all.

Anyone ever had this surface to them?!

All ideas and suggestions are welcomed. I am going to take a preg. test again today.

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Well, if you started your last interval on March 12, then you were due to start again around April 8. That way you are NOT 43 days late; more like 2 weeks. Last Thursday might own been too early for a pregnancy theory test to come up positive, but now should certainly be adequate time. The spotting could be implantation bleeding (when the egg implants into the lining of the uterus) which sometimes happen. Take the test to know for sure.

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yes your definatly pregnant it happend to my friend tell your parents sooner than latter. If you wait a while to tell them that you are pregnant than they will catch more upset if you had sex unpretected then you are going to be pregnant

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Are you still on the Nuvaring and own you used it properly (not taken it out for more than 3 hours when its supposed to be in etc)? I ask because when I was on Nuvaring I bled brown blood even when the ring be in and also during my 'ring out' week. If you have used the ring properly your kismet of pregnancy is fairly low but there is other a 'chance'. If you took it out and quit using it then you could be pregnant. I took mine out and conceived 3 weeks after I took out the ring (I was trying to attain pregnant) and now I am 5 weeks and experiencing some brown discharge. Im on bed rest for it as it could be a threatened miscarriage. I would reccommend a clear blue easy DIGITAL pregnancy question paper (buy a three pack and wait 2 days to test again between respectively test.) They work best and told me I was pregnant when the cheap ones didnt detect it on the other hand. I always recommend calling your doctor to be on the safe side though.

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