I'm thinking about getting an IUD. i've read/heard lots of different things.?

some say accurate option while others articulate they cause alot of problems. i'm thinking getting the mode that is only just the copper and doesn't have any hormones. any info out near?

Last night I done something for this first time? Do you do it too?

Some womens body regects it. Ive have my mirena now 3 years and I absolutly love it. I spotted for the 1st 3 months and that be it been term free ever since

my girl has the copper one very soon 5 years and she has have no complications with it either

My sister have had Mirena in a minute 2 years and had no complications

My elder sister had the paraguard (the cooper) and expelled it inside the 1st 2 weeks
I also have a class mate who have it for 4 years and Loved it she planned on getting another one after that one was removed
so it vary from woman to woman

I need some guidance?

They do cause problems. I suggest you obtain more information before you want.

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I have the one next to hormones and so far no issues. Only had it for a month very soon! Lots of spotting and a longer then everyday period.

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All I can detail you is that MY personal experience with an IUD be horrible. It was mortified (every time I had sex it HURT!), my period were misery, the cramps be terrible and after 5 months, the damned entity perforated my uterus and I have it have it removed because of that and because it help me get PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease).

You didn't influence if you had kids, but it is NOT recommended for women who hold not had at most minuscule one child or are in monogamous relationships - in recent times FYI's for you. Also, I have an issue near any method of birth control that the doctors REALLY don't have a firm grasp on how it works!

In short, I would not instinctively recommend an IUD.

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I own the IUD (Mirena). There are two types of IUD copper and mirena. I've been uisng Mirena for almost 2 weeks and I love it. After my body has gotten on the same wavelength things have be better. I don't have to verbs about taking a pill or taking out the ring or even attainment weight near the shot. All I do is check in my vagina for the strings and I know it's at hand. I have little cramps (my body is still get hold of adjusted). I am in a long-term committed relationship near my boyfriend of almost 2 years. I have no children. I've asked the nurses who inserted my IUD if heaps young women, not married but surrounded by long-term relationships, with no children hold it and they said yes. So for people to notify you it's only for married women or for women next to childreb is false. Some more information for IUD is thorugh planned parenthood, sites are below:

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