How good is birth control?

what is the % chance I own of getting someone pregnant on birth control using no protection.

Bladder problem?

this depends on how good they are at taking it at equal time everyday. if they're absolutely idyllic, then the pill is going on for 99.8% effective. however near typical failure rate (missing pills, etc) it's roughly speaking 95%.

Im itching like crazy down near!help?

I miss pills adjectives the time, havent become pregnant on them yet, but thats me. If shes consistent its a terribly very small accident.

I dont feel ok beside myself?

If the girl is using birth control on time and not relapsing a single time it is 100% effective that you will not obtain her pregnant. It depends upon the girl how she manages taking the pill.

Is these regular for birth control?

Pretty low if she is using it right.

But, using no protection increases STD risk. Nobody knows if they're really verbs.

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