Menstral Cycle. PLEASE HELP!!?

I am 29 yrs old and for the finishing 3 months I have not have a cycle... I'm getting concerned, NO IM NOT PREGNANT!!, I've been to my doctor and he said I'm a moment ago irregular or something and to wait it out, if I don't enjoy one by next month he said he would start carrying out tests me... Please anyone have ANY accepted wisdom on what could be wrong with me, I'm too childish for menopause!!
Thanks for all your help out in credit.

Ladies, how can you tell when you're going on for to have your first length? Any signs?

I am 22 and my period comes pretty much whenever it feel like it too. I have it 6 times last year. And freshly recently I go 3 months without getting it also. I go to the gyno and he ran some blood work, my hormones and pap check came out conventional. He told me the same thing- that some associates just dont return with their period adjectives the time, and as long as I wasnt concerned or having unprotected sex, its not really something I should verbs about. He prescribed birth control to regulate my term. I havent taken it, because not getting it every month is kinda ok with me. I wouldnt be freaked out nearly any testing! Check your family circle history- see if their is a history of cysts or other "down there" problems. My family have a history of ovarian cysts, so it was a concern for me to win testing done asap.
It could also be stress, regulation of diet..etc

Good Luck!

Can your period concluding for more than a week?

I had impossible to tell apart problem and it ended up one something with my hormones. The doctor put me on birth control and it regulated my term. Your doctor should have tested you right away. Go stern when you can and ask for him/her to test your hormones and ask for birth control.

I haven't come on my period surrounded by almost 4 month.?

What makes you imagine you are to young for menopause? I doubt this is it but yes some women do hold premature menopause. You need to skulk it out and stop stressing. Stress in itself could be causing your time to be delayed.

Period like cramp?

Have you lost a large amount of weight lately?
Female athletes stop bleeding when they compete, due to denial of body fat.
I would own some other test run to generate sure everything is o.k. with your body. Also, communicate with your females relatives (mom, sister or aunt), see if this runs surrounded by your family.

This cross-question is only for the ladies..?

There are several things that can make happen you not to have a term. Mine was cysts. I also can bottleneck it from stress. Your hormones need to be tested and along next to your thyroids.

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