About Girl Periods?

im 15 and 1/2 now and i get my period whn i be 13 and 1/2. my period agenda has be really off for example once i didnt attain for like 3 months and it usually lasts a week. another time i didnt obtain it for 2 months and it lasted for a month near light flow. After that i get it after 2 months and it lasted approaching 2 weeks with a muted flow. and again now its be 45 dayz so far. and this time for sum reason my acne is not clearing up and its slightly worse than ever back. normaly my face is pretty clear of acne. Can anyone relay me wats wrong? it it hormomal imbalance or due to stress from institution?

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It takes a while to normalize your term. There are many factor that can contribute to your cycle being stale schedule.
Absolutely, hormones, stress, losing mass (females athletes stop bleeding due to lack of body fat). I would suggest keeping a review of when you bleed & how long.
Also a good diet, ingestion healthy (organic when you can) is major. Avoid greasy (fast foods) & drink lots of water, this should give a hand with acne.
As someone mentioned, it wouldn't hurt to jump for a check-up with your doc.

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stress can explanation it if you are under alot of stress. dispense it another year if it doesn't straighten up by then i'd see a gyno.

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it should have started to become regular after the 2 years=it wouldn't hurt to own a check-up

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It can be from both. Your body is adjust to the changes brought on by puberty and it is commonly a long and annoying road to regularity. Have your mom or dad get you an appointment beside the doctor to check on your hormone levels and receive sure nothing is wrong. It sounds close to normal stuff but it is better to be sure. The doc can also lend a hand with the acne too. Keep your obverse clean and don't pick at it and put away a good diet low surrounded by saturated fat until you get evaluated. Good luck

Is this everyday?

I think you really want to go see your doctor in the region of this... One your period shouldn't be this crazy. Or are you on some type of birth control?

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It could be stress, or only how your body works. Everyone is different. I'm going to hope you are not sexually active, but if you are you inevitability to take a pregnancy check to be sure. Even people next to irregular cycles can get pregnant.
You should really chitchat this over with your mom, or at lowest possible a doctor. There are hormone supplements you can take to straighten out your cycle. I'm not dictum there is anything wrong beside you, or that you need medication, only that you need to know more in the region of the way your body works and the best road to do that is by asking a doctor.

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Well stress can cause you to break out next to acne ,and cause problems next to your period, but I would travel see the doctor, I had equal problems your having whem I be your age and the doctor put me on birth control to help regulate my period. It didn't work for me but it works for most women. Just talk to your OB/GYN and see what he/she recommend for you. Good luck.

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if u ar stressed out, it may grounds it but since u said that u r having acne it is mostly because of hormomal inequality. since u r 15, dont worry roughly speaking it yet, it happen to young girls.. if it stays untill subsequent year, get to the doc...

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