Weight watchers?

for anyone who has done counterbalance watchers.how much weight did u lose and within how long? Did u exercise and how much does it usually cost? thanks

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hi - i've done weight watchers back - i lost 55lbs and then get pg with my son - so presently i'm back to lose the pregnancy counterbalance!

it's $12/week here with a $23 registration levy the first week

i have be back on ww for two weeks very soon and have lost 6.6lbs contained by that two weeks!! woo hoo!

it's a great program and it works!

good luck!

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The cost? but i know one piece i was contained by iraq and my wife had pregincy bulk she lost 85 LBS using W.W. and i was jubilant for her and the first night she wore an outfit for me and i be thanking god for WW

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My mom already had done Weight Watchers contained by the past, so she already have the books and the recipe. I just did the diet at home following paperwork and the points counter and I lost 15 pounds in a year. But it really depends on how much you weigh in the first place. If you weigh more, then you will lose more. I didn't exercise, so I lost a pound a week contained by the beginning. My mom exercises at the gym for an hour a light of day and is on the diet and loses about 3 pounds a week.
So I regard as all you involve to buy is the points counter and a book or two.

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I started 2 weeks ago, I lost 5.8 lbs the first week and 2.8 lbs the second. I love it! I am not hungry, I can munch through what I want (had pizza for dinner) you just revise to make smarter choices in the order of portion sizes, and what you actually chomp through. You are assigned points based on immensity, age, height and lifestyle and you enjoy to pick your food based on how lots points you are allowed per day. You also are allowed 35 extra points per week. So if I want to hold ice cream tomorrow, I can, I'll of late have to endow with up something else another day.

There are unshakable things you are required to have every sunshine, which is what keeps you from person hungry, such as : 8 glasses of dampen, 2 servings of milk, 5 of fruits or vegetables and 2 Tb of oil. ( sounds unexpected, but it's all explained in the materials). I enjoy fibromyalgia, so exercising is very complex for me, but it would help to lose the bulk quicker. Also, if you have cohesive healthcare for insurance, they offer a discount , so you would merely pay $22 to sign up and $11 a week, as challenging $12.

Some people will puchase paperwork off eBay, and try to do it in need the meetings, but I really similar to the support, comradeship, and information you receive at the meetings. Everyone nearby is in matching boat, and they really understand what you're going through. In short, I really resembling it and am glad I finally joined.

Good LucK!

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