I am nauseous every day. I am not pregnant. Why is this happening?

I also have lower vertebrae left hindmost pain. Doctors voice they can't determine anything specific. I don't know what to look for and I'm beginning to deliberate they think I'm crazy. Menopause?

Is here any way of easing the spell cramps/pains other then headache killers?!!?

I experienced equal thing. I have tiny gallstones blocking the duct and they couldn't get out. I have to have something call an ERCP done and they were competent to suck the small stones that I had out. I wound up have to have my gallbladder removed.

I go to the ER when mine got really bleak and they ran ultrasounds, x-rays and I have a CT scan as well.

You may also want to start keeping a food magazine. There may be certain foods that are triggering it.
Take protection and good luck!

If a condom broke could seman confer it the illusion that it resealed itself?

How ancient are you? Where is the pain located? Does your urine hold a foul smell? Does it hurt in your kidney nouns? I would have that checked into. The nausea may be from an infection.

If a woman have PID can they still try IVF?

Everyone looks the same.


Should I agree to my 11 year old daughter wear a bra?

have an MRI and that road they can see whats going on inside your body and brain. ive been resembling that before and not knowing what is going on. And finaly doctors told me that i hold vertigo .go to a neurologist make sure your not pregnant ok?. cart care and hope you have a feeling better soon.

vgs view a recipe-american diabetes associa.?

I'd seize a CAT/MRI scan ASAP...

Are there more condition risks with bigger breasts?

okay, here are some possibilities.

UTI (urinary tract infection)
food allergy

Find a doctor of a mind to sort this out with you.yes, lots of doctors will tend to discount a woman's complaints. If you be a man they would be more likely to pinch your problems seriously.so find a lady doctor or nurse practitioner.

I don't devise you are crazy. Yes, menopause can mimic some of your symptoms but it's not the most likely make happen. Don't let your doctor minimize your problem. You're the one paying them, remember. I intuitively have found that a skilled nurse practitioner will do a more thorough assessment and listen better than most doctors.

Wishing you all right,

I know this is gross but i need to know why..?

If you still hold a gallbladder, it could be gall stones (I know the gallbladder is on the right, but you could be having referred backache into your left flank). Have some labwork done (I believe a liver function panel) and a complete abdominal ultrasound/sonogram (it's the same thing)

What would transpire if a woman took mutlivitamins for men and if a man took multivitamins created for women?

Hey there. Don't verbs this sort of thing happen to some women and more often than not if you are younger than your 40's it is NOT menopause.

Now it could be a UTI or beginings of a kidney infection. If it's not that afterwards it could be PID or something to do with the timing of sexual intercourse during your menstrual cycle or uterus adjectives together. It could be that you are ovulating or that a fibroid is growing there i.e. benign. You may have simply pulled your muscle lifting something cloying or even balancing something unwieldy. There are a million reasons for lower support pain.

First things first move about see your gyno/ob person and explain to the doc what is happening. If that one can't find out later go to a urologist to detrmine if its's your urinary tract or kidney. No dice here then run to a chiropractor for back problems. Get sonograms/ultrasounds and x-rays done by adjectives these medical professionals to make sure the diagnosis is accurate. If in that is a medical problem a specialist will find the cause and back cure it.

If all else fail see a psychiatrist. There is no shame is speaking with a shrink. For adjectives you know it could be stress induced pain. Talking out your problems could facilitate get to the bottom of things.

Hope I help you out a little. Best of luck to you!

Does anyone enjoy an idea why i would be bleeding for 25 days,its not norm?

Please don't reflect on your crazy! i went through a horrible year later year because I was so sick and the Dr's couldn't find out what be wrong , I don't want to get into ALL the details but I have every test done from MRI's to Spinal Taps. Anyway I get so depressed, being sick for a year take a toll and in the terminate i found out , I had probably started out near Viral Meningitis and then developed Irritable bowel syndrome which organize to depression. So My advice to you would be to see Specialists, and bring back some answers before your ardent state makes things worse. See a Gastroenterology Dr. for your nausea or if you don't hold good insurance at most minuscule go to a different Dr and get hold of a second opinion. Something else to infer about, After adjectives I went through I found that the women Dr's rob you more seriously and are better listeners and more compassionate. This may not be true everywhere but in my experience , it be true! I really Hope you feel better!

i'm PMSing and undecisive in the region of everything today. What can I do about this?

I discovered that a Chiropractor fixed adjectives kinds of things on my body when I'd gone in within for a stiff neck, including nausea.

A lot of ancestors don't realize that your spine affects every aspect of your body. Just be sure to get a referral for one, since resembling with every practice out here. some are quacks.

Why does pubic hair exist & contained by what style u like to see it, shaved,other trimmed or jungly intact?

It could be cysts on left ovary, it could be kidney infection. There are lots of it could be........ I am have the same item but, on the right side. My doc has pushed on ovary, and specifically area, but, I've be seen so far. We are still trying to determine what it is.. I'm pushing to find it out.. Don't close to being sick.

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