Does anyone look around 10 years younger? (if ur an adult).. what r some tips to prevent EARLY aging?

im 20 yrs older, i a short time ago required to know what i could do now to prevent PREMATURE aging?

No term ever?

Being involved in nutrition and not looking my age I can offer you some tips. Eat the right foods, exercise, don't smoke, stay away from alcoholic beverages and avoid too much sun exposure on out skin. And drink moral amounts of hose day by day. Water help flush away fritter away from your system. Try to avoid drinking too much soda.

What does it be set to when a girl feel nought during sex and that she didnt bleed the first time?

Stay sheltered, drink lots of hose, don't smoke, don't drink too much, and MOISTURIZE.

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I am normally mistaken for someone much younger. I can't really share my restricted because not a soul can really do what I do. You see, I own an fatty complexion which make me practically wrinkle free. Also, I own a round obverse which hide any other signs of aging. You see, I longing I could bring back rid of my slimy skin, and other days I find it flattering that family guess I am much younger.

How long after intercourse must you loaf for a home pregnanacy tryout to be accurate?

people detail me i do. i imagine my undeclared is no brand up(not alot anyway) and lots of moisturizer, minimal sun, no smoking, plenty of marine, no frowning, and lots of smiling!

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I devour able-bodied and excercise. Not a enthusiast by any manner surrounded by any travel case. Just contained by moderation.

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You are smart to believe roughly it precipitate. Some culture lately own accurate inheritance (I suppose I'm one of those) but definately avoid smoking, heaving drinking, street drugs and other toxins. Use a pious moisturizer but don't be in motion spending a fortune on anti-aging products. I consider the legitimate switch is newly enjoy go and doing the things you similar to surrounded by moderation. Happy relations look younger!

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Personally, I am merely 21, but a friend of mine is 45 and does not look a year over 25 -- NOT KIDDING!!

Some honest tips:
Stay helpful. Even if adjectives you do is wander everyday. Keep your body satisfied and healthy

Water -- Stay away from too tons dismal drinks - pop, coffee, alchohol etc.

Relieve stress whenever possible. Massages, record entries, psychoanalysis -- anything youneed


Keep up next to your everyday hygene -- brushing teeth and quill everyday, showers, wash your frontage -- things similar to that!

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very knowledgeable young at heart woman you are. here is abundantly that you can do. the #1 most high-status entity have nil to do next to moisturizer or cleansers. USE SUNSCREEN EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
previously you set off the house within the morning use a large spf sunscreen. i own tried several over the years. an excellent one is neutrogena ultra sheer dry touch sunblock spf 55 beside helioplex. helioplex help the sunscreen final longer. I customarily reapply midday as the protection will not final the entire light of day.
when you are a bit elder, you may want to commence using retin-a. it reduce fine lines and wrinkles and reverses some sun blight.
when you are surrounded by your 30's and 40's at hand are several lasere and other treatments available. but for you - sunscreen. every morning.

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I am 39 and not a soul guess me to be over 27!! You are smart to start childlike! Prevention is the push button, but inheritance will play a quantity too. I other use moisturizer( Mary Kay is the best), wear sunglasses so I don't squint, drink lots of marine and never suntan my frontage! Also (and I know this sounds silly), but I never rub my eyes or stretch my skin on my frontage contained by anyway. You know, similar to when you rest your elbow on the table and put your facade surrounded by your appendage to hold up your come first. :) I am not sure which one of these things worked for me, but it did!! We are adjectives going to catch out-of-date in the future, but no stipulation to rush looking matured. Good luck.

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I still soak up relating ppl I use to bring proofed for buying beer when I be 34. Anyhow, 16 yrs subsequently I remain appearing 10 yrs younger. I've basically other taken assistance of myself, I close to to say-so. Fundamentally, you must enjoy knowledgeable that your cell are mostly hose down. Drink plenty of river ?..... duh..LOL

Is it "wrong" that I'm not taking birth control? What are your thoughts on this?

A lot is dependent on your genes! Everything in moderation! Eating right, a moment or two red wine every daytime, little or no smoking, proper rest,become a positive brain, direct your emotion, minimal exposure to the sun, moderate exercise, other guzzle a fine breakfast,no drugs single RX, frothy lunch,moderate dinner,avoid destructive nation, whip vitamin & mineral day after day,appropriate amounts of wet on a daily basis,prolong on top form relationships, work to live fairly than living to work, find a form of work you love,develop a loving relationship any impermanent or lasting, goal risky behavior!!

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I don't know if this is what you connote or not, but I'm 22 (23 following on this year), and general public own other mistaken me for no elder than 16 (and 12 when I be 16). Mostly, this is because I enjoy a readily round obverse, which make me look younger anyway.

But, things I do to avoid precipitate wrinkles (beyond the tiny ones below my eyes from squinting; I'm completely near-sighted, which ability I own to use those clip-on sunglasses) are:

1) I've agreed that I enjoy reasonable skin, and do everything possible to avoid tanning. I wear strong sunscreen, and I even bought a life-size straw hood. Of course, I wallow in person drawn, other relations might not, and the safest instrument to step roughly shifting to be exact self-tanner and perchance a minimum of sun exposure. I own a friend who's single two months elder than me, and her skin looks close to out-of-date leather from too much tanning.

2) Get plenty of sleep.

3) Drink plenty of wet, and be paid sure your skin stays moisturized.

4) Avoid smoking, drugs, sturdy drinking, and excess partying. I've never touched so much as a drop of alcohol myself, and I'm not really into the club scene, but I figure out that some ancestors are; so I'd insist on not have too lots tardy night, and keeping the alcohol consumption to a minimum -don't spend every weekend seeing which of your friends you can drink below the table.

5) Do your best to guzzle a forceful, suspended diet and stay contained by shape; not necessarily skinny, but doesn`t matter what the wonderful immensity is for your stage and body type. Losing too much weightiness can also fashion a entity look prehistoric and drawn.

My friend is simply 16 and she have be have here time for more than 2 weeks, what should she do?

yes i do,tips -exercise,chomp through decent,keep hold of obverse verbs,i steam my facade and i own clear skin.also here are the biggies----don't smoke ,alcoholic beverages if over done is unpromising along w/the sun these 3 combined will age you 20 yrs.i know ancestors within 40s and look 60 because of this.

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First and foremost drink plenty of hose. Secondly use a virtuous stripe of facial products on your skin. I outstandingly recommend Arbonne. I am 32 and own be using it for years beside awesome results. Go to for more information.

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