Ortho tricyclen lo HELP!?

I have be on Ortho Tricyclen Lo for the past two weeks and I started on a morning 1 start, the first day of my interval . But I haven't been taking them at alike time of the day, and I haven't missed any so far, but I have sex yesterday and Im afraid that It could REALLY increase my chances of getting pregnant?

Bigger breasts?

Your probability or pregancy are increased, but not because you don't take it at like time every day. The with the sole purpose reason yoru probability of pregnacy would be increased is because you have one and only been taking it for two weeks, (I presume this is the first two weeks you own ever taken it). Currently had you not be taking the pill your cycle would be coming close to your most fertile time of the month.

The chance that you are pregant though I would say-so is maybe 1-5% I am taking Ortho Trycyclin and in attendance have be days that I have missed and have sex but still manage ti dodge the babe thing.

They read out to take it at like time every day to one, engender a habit and two it make the chances of getting pregant 0.99999999%. One agency to insure you take it at duplicate tiem everyday is if you get up surrounded by the monring aroudn the same time. I.E. if you own a 9-5 job and you gain up at 6:am take it as soon as you procure out of bed.

If you ever have a problem remembering to cart it put a little sticker or sign up. I enjoy a $100,000 monopoloy money bill taped at the top of my mirror to remind me. (I chose the money entry because kids are so damn expensive).

Personally I would not worry, however to be precise easier said than done, just rob a deep breath and forget going on for it.

Tommorrow I'm getting a papsmear and I need to give an account my doctor what method of birth control I want to be on

you SHOULD be fine...but i do not garantee it.. i was on the pill for a month formerly i did anything..
i would recommend using some other protection for a while as well (just to be on the safe and sound side..)

Heavy Menstrual Cycle and temporary delirium loss?

If you have not missed any next probably not. It is preferrable to take them at equal time daily though. Do it articulate in the morning when you brush your teeth, or right up to that time you go to bed. Take them next to something that you know you do about alike time every day. make it easier.

What s the biggest boob?

Actually, I believe that you are supposed to use another form of protection for the first month anyway! You need to use other protection until your subsequent period and you also have need of to find a time of day i.e. best for you and stick to it. If your period is behind, you will just hold to take a check and see.

what are ..?

it is best and for effective taking alike time every day. But it is still efficient if you are taking it every day. It doesnt increase you hit and miss of getting pregant. Just try to get on a schedule of taking it like time or as close to the same time everyday. Like bedtime or when you first take up in the morning.

I am my Bf did unprotected sex , due to horror of pregnan i take Mala D but my period delay pls advic soon posb

You are supposed to dawdle a month before have unprotected sex while on the pill, to give the pill a luck to get into your system. Taking it like time of day is a thoroughly good hypothesis and you should get into the obsession of doing that. This helps you to remember and increases the worth of the pill. Try to do it a time of day that you will remember, similar to before you dance to bed or when you wake up contained by the morning. Try to coincide taking your pill with something else you do everyday at equal time.
Hope this helps.

Missed Period?

First bad since you started your pills the first day of you time you are protected against pregnancy immediately and do not involve to use a back up method. The Ortho Tri Clyclen Lo relation below will tell you this, freshly scroll straight over. It does NOT take a full month to work close to people try to claim. You should hold nothing to verbs about. There is a skylight of time you have to clutch your pill each daylight. Try taking them as soon as you wake up. That route it's easier to remember.

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