can you over dose on cranberry extract if you think you might have a uti?


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i be taught , too much of anything can be unpromising. Although Cranberry extract and cranberries can greatly increase the the removal of a uti it is in conjunction with lots of fluids i.e. juice,water,sea and more water. Once your body reach a certain stratum of saturation it cannot consume more and more it usually goes to consume. So to answer your question no but no call for to od on it just use it as directed and drink lots of fluids. You should observe a difference in urine color and smaller amount urethra pain on urination. When a UTI is discouraging and has gone on for too long sometimes it is essential to incorporate an antibiotic so if no change for the better in two to three days you had better consult a physician. Good Luck hope you get the impression better.

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No. Cranberry extract is awesome for you.

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Considering that cranberry extract is adjectives natural, it is wholesome, but the possibility of overdose is still there. Your liver is trying to use adjectives that is needed from it, but will try to excrete the rest through urine. If you are drinking cranberry liquid, only drink more or less 4 glasses (8 oz each) of it a daylight. Something healthy can grounds harm when misused.

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Yes if you are not drinking plenty of sea.

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Overdose? No! But you could upset your stomach :D

Seriously, if you assume you might have a UTI it's best to seize the proper tests done. There are several different organisms that cause UTI's and some of them are terrifically resistant, meaning they are frozen to get rid of. It's vastly important to see a doctor, okay? Otherwise near could be really bad complications and that will plan even more treatment. And it doesn't matter how you surmise you got it, the doctor's biggest concern is getting you well ASAP.

for ladies one and only..?

best bet is to drink cranberry juice and not rob the extract

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HA HA HA HA OVER DOSE ON CRANBERRIES! Like what ever other person said on here, No that's impossible. YET! It's resembling putting extra gas in your car. It's going to spew out, and that would be resembling wasting liquid gold ingots. yea, your car desires tha hell outta it, but if you waste it. It could be only that valuable. (gas not cranberries, Hahahaha!)

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The end time I had a UTI I drank too much Cranberry Juice and it resulted contained by a very upset stomach!

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I asked my endocrinologist about cranberry liquid for UTI's that my wife was getting. He said that drinking the liquid all the time does no right because the urinary tract adjusts the pH after a morning or so and it's just as if you haven't be drinking it at all. The best guidance he said was to start drinking it when you suspect you enjoy a UTI.

Oh yea, he said to make sure she pees inside a hour after sex to flush out the urethra.

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