Why do girls cry when they vomit?

i know not all girls do, but i do - and most girls i know do...

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OHHHH K.. some of those answers weren't that great so here's someone with some medical circumstance to give you some suggestion :D.

You cry (boys and girls do it, not dependant on gender), because the vagus nerve is stimulated.. your heart rate go down, your eyes water, and things similar to that happen when you vomit.. if you be hooked up to a heart monitor you could see this result.. that's why you eyes water, and you heart rate go down when you, push really hard when you jump to the bathroom. it's called good posture down. It all have to do with the cranial nerves surrounded by your body that are interconnected with your sympathetic and parasympathetic frightened system.. I know that is a bit complicated but I hope it help

have u had troubles near ur period after have a tubal done?

they do?

By every after noon when i urinate the color is coudy what could this indicate?

My eyes water really impossible. Is that what you mean?

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some boys do this also ... it's not if truth be told crying though...it's watery eyes

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I think it depends on how severe the vomiting is. And it may also be more of a runny eye thing than outright crying. I don't cry when I'm sick, but I sure do dampen up!

i wanna lose weight speedy and look beautiful;please lend a hand,my brother's marriage is on 26th of this month,?

because you discern terrible, I other cry a lot..

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Some pee on themselves too. So try not to do that!

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My judgment is it has something to do near the way our parents handle the situation when we were kids. I remember individual very terrified about throwing up and my Mom would perform like it be something to be sad give or take a few. When I had my son, I help him get through it, by giving him positive reinforcement during his throwing up, saw, "It's ok, buddy..no big deal, it's almost done...you're doing a apt job.", etc., etc., and he never cried. My daughter threw up for the first time give or take a few 3 months ago and at first she was startled, but by the 3rd time throwing up, she didn't cry or wimper because I helped "coach" her through it similar to I did my son.

Whats wrong?

Ah because they have a penis

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