Birth control?

I'm a college student who has be in a relationship near my boyfriend for half a year, and I've be using the pill as birth control. I've switched between different kinds, but apparently enjoy a sensitivity to the hormones involved and have terminated up gaining 30 pounds because of it. I risk becoming diabetic if my counterweight is even slightly in the overweight category because of my familial history, so it seems the pill isn't an route for me. I am not open at adjectives to getting pregnant at this point, but I don't want to end my sex life span, either. What do you suppose I should do?

What are the pimples on my vagina?

You could give Nuva Ring a try. The hormone level are lower and because of the positioning (right where its needed effective the uterus), less of the hormone enter the blood stream.

Progesterone-only pills might be an alternative also, but not everyone can tolerate them, and their dosing schedule is far more strict than a regular BCP.

Also, conceivably look into a barrier method call Lea's Shield. Its supposed to be more effective than the diaphragm; used beside spermicides and/or a condom, I would bet it's pretty safe. Also, if you're regular sour the pill, you might combine barrier method usage near Fertility Awareness (where you don't have sex during your most promising ovulation days), and you would be even safer.

BTW, IUDs are NOT recommended for women who have not have at least one full-term pregnancy because the uterine muscle can recurrently be too stiff (rigid) to tolerate a foreign object.

I would recommend conversation to someone at Planned Parenthood or your college health center roughly your alternatives.

Can you get a yeast infection from have intercourse while in the shower?

There are many types of birth control that don't involve screw around with your hormones. Some of them also submit protections against STI's.

Remember that the only creature whose fidelity you can be certain of is you.

I basically finished my period today. For 2 weeks my stomach have been distended and bloated.?

there are other forms of birth control besides bc pills-try the patch or condoms or a diaphragm or the shot, etc

my vagina have a stinky odor ; how should i get rid of it? [mature women individual please]?

Ever heard of condoms? Foam? Sponge?

If its 'that time of the month' can it rationale..?

To be honest, I like the patch; However, the patch (ortho evra) poses a few medical issues.

If you are a smoker afterwards be aware of the risk (i am a smoker and have have no problems though)

If you have heart problems afterwards it is not so good for you to do the patch.

Google it and receive your own decision. You can be on BC or you can not be on BC. If you don't use a condom while not on BC consequently be prepared for a baby. Take Care.

I be wondering if any women have have an abortion after 12 weeks and what to excpect?

I use the IUD.

Going to the beach on my term? LADIES PLEASE HELP!?

I've heard that within are patches presently for birth control and one month shots, too. IUDs ( I didn't like them though) might be an alternative too...I don't necessitate either one, as I've have a hysterectomy, and I am widowed now and not sexually stirring anyway, so I am out of the loop. On the funny side, my husband used to tell me that the best birth control be to hold an aspirin between your knees! HAHAHA LOL Sorry, couldn't resist.

i have really murky armpits, what should i do?

There's more options besides the pill
Nuvo Ring
Depo Shot

Talk to your gynecologist for which pick is best for you.

what is a pelvic scan for?

Condoms if used correctly are up to 98% effective. If you use condoms as your birth control you hold to put them on before you start every time.
To supplement condoms you can use a sponge or spermicide.
I've used condoms as my sole birth control method for almost 2 years and own not gotten pregnant.

Birth control is this normal?

Condoms are an odds and as long as you use them properly, they are very successful. The "typical" rate for condoms is around 84% but that is counting culture who don't use condoms everytime, use them incorrectly, or claim they use them when they don't.

But if you use them correctly every time you have sex, they are especially effective.

Have you tried the mini-pill or a low-dose pill? They hold lower amounts of hormones and are more easily tolerated.

Some other option would be to go ahead and receive fitted with an IUD. There are IUD's for five years or for 12 but you can find them taken out whenever you are ready to become pregnant. They extend very potent protection against pregnancy.

Another option would be to use a sponge or spermicide next to a male condom. Alone these methods are not that important but combined with another method they increase your faculty to reduce your risk for pregnancy.

Talking near your doctor about your option would be the best route to go since they would know your medical history.
Best of luck!

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