Dr. question?have a large ovarian cyst,doc advises hysterectomy?

I don't understand.I don't enjoy painful period ,I'm 43,also uroligist present to hand bladder surrounded by a sling?cyst is more then six.agree off three holes to remove uterus..the ultra nouns tech said I have cyst but uterus ,I know she is one and only tech looks good..or possible rouse up with a big cut across tummy..plans to transport uterus,hang bladder ,drain cyst,possibly remove one or more ovaries,Why? it's one big cyst on one ovary?I can't afford to be laid up for two months...he say's it's best to take it over with..possible lazer uterus ,suction cyst instead,my choice but recomends removing adjectives...please advise me on a desision.Thank you.

My vagina chicks doesnt hve equal size its not a cyst its like a sponge ?what this might be?

I have a sneaking suspicion that you need to take a second opinion. You're clearly humiliated with the remedy your current doctor is offering you. I think checking near another doctor at an unrelated practice is the least you can do to lecture yourself about your option.

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Sounds similar to you don't really trust your Doctor. If this is so and you are unsure, ask for a second opinion. Am 56 have all but one ovary removed just about 17 yrs ago due to cysts. Have never been on hormone replacement because the ovary is still working. Maybe he suggested doing adjectives to have it done . Do you plan on more children? If not, why not step ahead?

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If your uterus is healthy, afterwards you really ought to lose just the artificial ovary. For that matter, even you own fibroids to go along next to this cyst, it still may not necessitate a hysterectomy. You're close enough to menopause that unless your fibroids are cause you problems (from what you've said, if you have them, they're not cause you problems), you can leave your uterus, as fibroids will shrink beside menopause.

Your doctor is doing nothing more than abiding himself time in the adjectives. You deserve better than that. You deserve better than being plunged instantly into menopause when it's not needed. You deserve to not be patronized by this doctor, nor to be treated close to a child who can't make decision on their own.

You deserve a different doctor. You'll find one by asking for a second opinion.

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I wouldn't do it... you should emphatically get second, third, fourth belief if you have too... DON'T DO IT!!

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at ur age it is recomended to filch out the uterus if u dont want a child.

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