How do you feel about overweight women getting full body massages?

I've had one pat. I fell asleep 10 minutes into it and apparently was sawing wood. I don't know if she fininshed - I am overweight next to one too many spare tires & portly on my body. My feet are also dry and crusty (its true). Worker seem disgusted. Would you be & would you finish the massage? And I've be wondering, with me sleeping, how did she turn me over to voice massage my posterior? I've been told I drool when I sleep.

Do women ever regret murdering their babies?

Any work I've had have started with my pay for. Don't know anyone that starts with the individual laying obverse up.

Whether you are overweight or not, you are entitled to the same work anyone else is. If the worker was disgusted near your feet later she should have suggested you be in motion for a pedicure or given you some ideas on how to properly comfort for them so they won't get that instrument.

Alot of people jump down asleep, although with the low tissue massages I bring . I don't think anyone could. There is aching but it's worth it in the come to an end as my muscles feel wonderful.

Go to a different work therapist subsequent time & see what the difference is. remember she/he should have an "RMT" (Registered Massage Therapist) after their designation.

Women only please (unless u are a doc or something)?

Ok, you aren't for physical because you have asked this request for information way too plentiful times!

I'm thinking of going on the Pill (to control my acne) but I have some concerns going on for my periods?

you are disgusting


First of adjectives it is not "Sawing Wood" it is "Sawing Logs"

Second of all, if you go to a ligetimate place and you paid full price they hold too irregaurdless if you are 900lbs with crusty elephant pad for feet and more rolls the bakery down the street or if you are 90Lbs.

Perhaps Hanz that be giving you the rub down waited for you to fall over asleep and had Herman Monster finish sawing your wood sour!

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First sour I see that you accused me of self rude on your answer by answering one of my quetions. First off the means of access you phrased your question be rude or you lack for better words? Who summary "I have profusely of Rolls?" oh and "I drool" and I have "Really Crusty Feet" if you be truly overweight first of all you would not hold phrased your question that agency. You could have said something similar to this the next time you ask a examine, "I have excessive amouts of skin, and glutinous dense skin on my feet" Do, I think that that overweight women should carry massages. I guess I should stop next right~!

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